Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1981 (2 di 4)

Pagina nr. 4113 di 5000       

Le role des capitaux publics dans le financement de l'industrie en Europe occidentale aux XIXe et XXe siecles. Colloque des 29 et 30 novembre, et 1er decembre 1979
Bruxelles - Bruylant, 1981
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Role du secteur sanitaire en alimentation et nutrition - rapport d'un Comité d'experts de l'OMS
Genève - Organisation mondiale de la santé, c1981
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Le role economique de la femme dans la region de la CEE / Commission economique pour l'Europe, Geneve
New York - Nations Unies, 1981
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Role of breeder reactor system in the European community / by the UNIPEDE/CEC Breeder reactor study group for the fast reactor coordinating committee
Roma - ENEL, 1981
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The Role of coherent structures in modelling turbulence and mixing - proceedings of the international conference, Madrid, Spain, June 25-27, 1980 / edited by J. Jimenez
Berlin - Springer-Verlag, 1981
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The role of coherent structures in modelling turbulence and mixing - proceedings of the International conference, Madrid, Spain, June 25-27, 1980 / edited by J. Jimenez
Berlin etc. - Springer-Verlag, 1981
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The role of endorphins in neuropsychiatry / volume editor H. M. Emrich
Basel (etc. - S. Karger, 1981
Incluso in > Modern problems of pharmacopsychiatry = Moderne Probleme der Pharmakopsychiatrie = Problemes actuels de pharmacopsychiatrie
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Role of FC receptor bearing T cells
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Role of Medroxyprogesterone in endocrine-related tumors
New York - Raven Press, 1980-1984
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The role of R&D in quality assurance / European Industrial Research Management Association
Paris - EIRMA, 1981
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1-The role of section 5 of the FTC act in antitrust / Alan H. Silberman ... (ed altri)
Chicago, ILL. - American Bar Association, ©1981
Incluso in > The FTC as an antitrust enforcement agency
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Role of state and local governments in relation to personal health services / Sagar c. Jain editor and Symposium Chairman
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - American Journal of public health, 1981
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The role of the father in child development / edited by Michael E. Lamb
New York (etc. - J. Wiley, 1981
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The role of the legislature in Western democracies / edited by Norman J. Ornstein
Washington ; London - American enterprise institute for public policy research, c1981
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The role of the physician in health education - proceedings of the international symposium - Luxembourg, 2-4 July 1980 / organized by the Directorate general Employment and Social affairs Health and Safety Directorate ; in collaboration with the International federation of Hygiene, Preventive medicine and Social medicine and the International union for Health Education
Luxembourg - Commission of the European comminities, 1981
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