Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1982 (3 di 4)

Pagina nr. 1171 di 5000       

Ahlgrimm, Isolde
Manuale der Orgel- und Cembalotechnik - Fingerübungen und Etüden 1571-1760 / Isolde Ahlgrimm ; english version- Eugene Hartzell
Wien - Doblinger, ©1982
Musica (stampa)

Ahlheim, Klaus
Zwischen Arbeiterbildung und Mission - Beispiele und Probleme protestantischer Erwachsenenbildung und ihrer Theorie in der Weimarer Republik und nach 1945 / Klaus Ahlheim
Stuttgart - Alektor, 1982
Testo Monografico

Ahlin, Gunnel
Hannibal segraren - roman / Gunnel och Lars Ahlin
Stockholm - Bonniers, 1982
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Ahlqvist, Anders
The early Irish linguist - an edition of the canonical part of the Auraicept na n'Eces / Anders Ahlquist ; with introduction, commentary and indices
Helsinki - Societas scientiarum fennica, 1982
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Ahlstrom, Goran
Engineers and industrial growth - higher technical education and the engineering profession during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries - France, Germany, Sweden and England / G. Ahlstrom
London etc. - Croom Helm, 1982
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Ahlström, Gösta Werner
Royal administration and national religion in ancient Palestine / by G.W. Ahlstrom
Leiden - Brill, 1982
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Ahmad, Ismail
Kambing dapat rumah baru / cerita Ismail Ahmad ; ilustrasi Ibrahim Mohd Said
Kuala Lumpur - Dewan bahasa dan pustaka - Kementerian pelajaran Malaysia, 1982
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Ahmad, Muzaffer
Public enterprise in South Asia - a study in comparison / Muzaffer Ahmad
Ljubljana - ICPE, 1982
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Ahmad, Yusuf J.
Analysing the options - environmental Cost-benefit analysis in differing economic systems / edited by Yusuf J. Ahamad
Nairobi - United Nations Environment Programme, 1982
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Ahmad, Yusuf J.
Integrated physical, socio-economic and environmental planning
Dublin - Tycooly international, 1982
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Ahmatova, Anna Andreevna
Anna Ahmatova - socinenija
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ) - Mezdunarodnoe literaturnoe sodruzestvo
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Ahmatova, Anna Andreevna
Le rose di Modigliani / Anna Achmatova ; a cura di Eridano Bazzarelli
Milano - Il saggiatore, 1982
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Ahmatova, Anna Andreevna
Le rose di Modigliani / Anna Achmatova ; a cura di Eridano Bazzarelli
Milano - Il saggiatore, 1982
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Ahmed, Nehad Moustafa Omar
Zur Entwicklung des moralischen Urteils bei agyptischen Kindern im Lichte piagetscher Theorie - Dissertation ... / Nehad M. O. Ahmed
Tubingen - Vogler, 1982
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Ahmed, Osman Hassan
Sudan and Sudanese - a bibliography of American and Canadian dissertations and theses on the Sudan / compiled and edited by Osman Hassan Ahmed
Washi ngton, D.C - Embassy of the Democratic Republic of the Sudan, (1982)
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