Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1982 (3 di 4)

Pagina nr. 1873 di 5000       

Birley, Sue
New enterprises - a start-up case book / Sue Birley
London - Croomelm, 1982
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Birnbaum, Ian
Assembly language programming for the BBC microcomputer / Ian Birnbaum
London ; Basingstoke - The Macmillan press, 1982
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Birnbaum, Irena
Non omnis moriar - pamietnik z getta warszawskiego / Irena Birnbaum
Warszawa - Czytelnik, 1982
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Birnbaum, Jacob S.
The musculoskeletal manual / Jacob S. Birnbaum
New York - Academic Press, 1982
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Birnbaum, Pierre
The heights of power - an essay on the power elite in France - with a new postscript, 1981 / Pierre Birnbaum ; translated by Arthur Goldhammer
Chicago ; London - The university of Chicago press, 1982
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Birnbaum, Pierre
La logique de l'etat / Pierre Birnbaum
Paris - Fayard, 1982
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Birnie, Patricia W.
Legal measures for the prevention of Pirate Whaling / Patricia Birnie
Gland - International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural resource, 1982
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Biro, Yvette
Mythologie profane - cinema et pensee sauvage / Yvette Biro
Paris - Lherminier, 1982
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Birocchi, Italo
Per la storia della proprietà perfetta in Sardegna - provvedimenti normativi, orientamenti di governo e ruolo delle forze sociali dal 1839 al 1851 / Italo Birocchi
Milano - Giuffrè, 1982
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Birr, Frédéric
Autoportraits / Frédéric Birr, Jean Diez
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Birrell, N. D.
Quantum fields in curved space / N. D. Birrell and P. C. W. Davies
Cambridge (etc.) - Cambridge university press, 1982
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Birren, Faber
Milano - Idealibri, c1982
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Birren, Faber
Light, color and environment -a discussion of the biological effects of color, with historical data and detailed recommendations for the use of colorin the environment / Faber Birren
New York - Van Nostrad Reinhold, c1982
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Birri, Raimund
Denkpsychologisch orientierte Untersuchungen bei hirngeschadigten, insbesondere bei frontalhirngeschadigten Patienten - Abhandlung ... / vorgelegt von Raimund Birri
Zurich - Zentralstelle der Studentenschaft, 1982
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Birri, Ursula
Totaltheater bei Meyerhold und Piscator - Analyse der Inszenierungen Mysterium buffo von Wladimir Majakowski und Rasputin nach Alexej N. Tolstoi und P. E. Schtschegolew_- Abhandlung ... / vorgelegt von Ursula Birri
Zurich - Zentralstelle der Studentenschaft, 1982
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