Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1982 (3 di 4)

Pagina nr. 1890 di 5000       

Blais, Marie-Claire
Visions d'Anna ou le vertige - roman / Marie-Claire Blais
Paris - Gallimard, 1982
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Blake, Alexander
Practical stress analysis in engineering design / Alexander Blake
New York ; Basel - M. Dekker, 1982
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Blake, Alexander
Pratical stress analysis in engineering design / Alexander Blake
New York ; Basel - Marcel Dekker, 1982
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Blake, Emmet Reid
Manual of neotropical birds / Emmet R. Blake
Chicago and London - the University of Chicago press, 1977
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Blake, Everett C.
Biblical sites in Turkey / Everett C. Blake & Anna G. Edmonds
(Istanbul) - Redhouse Press, 1982
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Blake, Hugo
I bacini liguri e piemontesi- nuovi dati dal fondo D'Andrade / Hugo Blake
Faenza - Litografie artistiche faentine, 1982
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Blake, Jeremy
La falsa prospettiva in Italian renaissance architecture / measured, drawn and presented by Jeremy Blake
Stocksfield - Oriel press, 1982
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Blake, Karen
Ti sposerņ in autunno / Karen Blake
Milano - Fabbri, 1982
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Blake, Nicholas
Theres trouble brewing / Nicholas Blake
New York - Harper & Row, 1982
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Blake, Robert
Disraelis grand tour - Benjamin Disraeli and the Holy Land - 1830-31 / Robert Blake
New York - Oxford university press, 1982
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Blake, Robert R.
Il grid delle vendite - guida per migliorare il lavoro di vendita / Robert R. Blake, Jane Srygley Mouton
Milano - Angeli, 1982
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Blake, William (1757 - 1827)
Blakes Job - William Blakes Illustrations of the book of Job / with an introduction and commentary by S. Foster Damon
Hanover - Published for Brown University Press by (the) University Press of New England, 1982
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Blake, William (1757 - 1827)
Lieder der Unschuld und Erfahrung / William Blake ; herausgegeben und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Werner Hofmann
Frankfurt a. M. - Insel, 1982
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Blake, William (1757 - 1827)
Selected poems / William Blake ; Edited, with introduction and notes, by P. H. Butter
London, Melbourne and Toronto - Dent, 1982
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Blake, William (1757 - 1827)
Songs of innocence and Songs of experience / William Blake ; notes by Dominic Hyland
Harlow - Longman ; Beirut - York press, 1982
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