Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1982 (3 di 4)

Pagina nr. 1919 di 5000       

Bochenski, Joseph M.
Avvio al pensiero filosofico / Joseph M. Bochenski
Brescia - Paideia, 1982
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Bochicchio, Maria Pina
Ruoti - arte, folklore e magia / Maria Pina Bochicchio ; relatore prof . A. Miccoli
Lecce - Accademia di belle arti, 1982-1983
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Bochnovic, John
The inventive step - its evolution in Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States / John Bochnovic
Weinheim - Verlag Chemie, c1982
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Bochove, Cornelis Abraham - van
Imports and economic growth / Cornelis Abraham Van Bochove
The Hague (etc.) - Nijhoff, 1982
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Bochove, Thomas Ernst - van
Eine neue Grabinschrift aus Lydien / Tom van Bochove, Ignace H. M. Hendriks
Bonn - Rudolf Habelt, 1982
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Bochorák, Klement
Legendy, Staronove basne / Klement Bochorak
Rim - Krestanska akademie, 1982
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Bochsa, Robert Nicolas Charles
Célèbres études pour la harpe - vingt-cinq exsercices-etudes, Op. 62 / Bochsa ; édition revue par A. Hasselmans
Paris - Alphonse Leduc, stampa 1982
Musica (stampa)

Bochum Seminar on the evolution of culture (1. ; 1981 ; Bochum)
Semiogenesis - essays on the analysis of the genesis of language, art, and literature - first Bochum Seminar on the evolution of culture / Walter A. Koch (ed.)
Frankfurt am Main ; Bern - Lang, c1982
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Bock, Elisabeth
Nervous system-specific proteins / edited by Elisabeth Bock
Oxford etc. - Blackwell scientific publications, 1982
Incluso in > Scandinavian journal of immunology. Supplement
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Bock, Henning
I grandi musei - Berlino / Henning Bock
Touring Club Italiano
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Bock, Irmgard
Die analys der handlungsstrukturen von Erzahlwerken - am Beispiel von N.V. Gogol's 'Die Nase' und 'Der Mantel' / Ivo Bock
Munchen - Sagner, 1982
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Bockel, Pierre
Choix d'homelies pour les fetes / Pierre Bockel
Mulhouse - Salvator, 1982
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Bockelkamp, Marianne
Analytische Forschungen zu Handschriften des 19. Jahrhunderts am Beispiel der Heine-Handschriften der Bibliothèque Nationale Paris / Marianne Bockelkamp
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Bockelmann, Paul
1- Vermogensdelikte / Paul Bockelmann
, Aufl
Incluso in > Strafrecht, Besonderer Teil / Paul Bockelmann
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Bockerstette, Heinrich
Aporien der Freiheit und ihre Aufklarung durch Kant / Heinrich Bocherstette
Stuttgart - Frommann, c1982
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