Pagina nr. 2302 di 3003 |
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1 - Poems / J. M. Synge ; edited by Robin Skelton Gerrards Cross - C. Smythe ; Washington - The Catholic University of America press Incluso in > Collected works / J.M. Synge Testo Monografico Synge, John Millington Collected works / J. M. Synge ; (general editor Robin Skelton London - Oxford university press, 1962- Testo Monografico Synge, John Millington 4- Plays - book 2. / J.M. Synge ; edited by Ann Saddlemyer Gerrards Cross - C. Smythe ; Washington - The Catholic University of America press Incluso in > Collected works / J.M. Synge Testo Monografico Synge, John Millington 3- Plays. Book 1 / edited by Ann Saddlemyer Gerrards Cross - Colin Smythe ; Washington - The Catholic university of America press, 1982 Incluso in > Collected works / J.M. SynGe ; edited by Alan Price Testo Monografico Synge, John Millington 1- Poems / John Millington Synge ; edited by Robin Skelton Gerrards Cross - C. Smythe ; Washington - Catholic university of America press, 1982 Incluso in > Collected works / J. M. Synge ; (general editor Robin Skelton Testo Monografico Synge, John Millington 2- Prose / J. M. Synge ; edited by Alan Price Gerrards Cross - C. Smythe ; Washington - The Catholic University of America press Incluso in > Collected works / J.M. Synge Testo Monografico Synge, Lanto Antique needlework / Lanto Synge Poole, Dorset - Blandford press, 1982 Testo Monografico Szabadfalvi, József Fazekas Istvàn és a nàdudvari fazekassàg / ìrta Szabadfalvi Jòzsef Budapest - Corvina, c1982 Testo Monografico Szabadi, Judit Jugendstil in Ungarn - malerei, graphik, plastik / Judit Szabadi Budapest - Corvina, 1982 Testo Monografico Szabo, Arpad Enklima - Untersuchungen zur Fruhgeschichte der griechischen Astronomie, geographie und der Sehnentafeln / A. Szabo, E. Maula Athen - Akademie Athen, 1982 Testo Monografico Szabo, Attila Modern quantum chemistry - introduction to advanced electronic structure theory / Attila Szabo, Neil S. Ostlund New York - Macmillan ; London - Collier, c1982 Testo Monografico Szabo, Attila Modern quantum chemistry- introduction to advanced electronic structure theory / Attila Szabo, Neil S. Ostlund New York - Macmillan Publishing ; London - Collier Macmillan Publishers, c1982 Testo Monografico Szabo, Bela Gy. Valogatas Gy. Szabo Bela fametszeteibol - Magyar Nemzeti Galeria, Budapest, 1982 februar-marcius / °a kiallitast rendetze es a katalogust osszeallitotta N. Penzes Eva °Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n. , 1982 Testo Monografico Szabo, Denes A mai magyar nyelv / Szabo Denes Budapest - Felsooktatasi Jegyzetellatovallalat, 1957 - Testo Monografico Szabo, Floris (2)- Two papers on the codex preserved in the library of the Abbey of Pannonhalma / by Floris Szabo and Elizabeth Soltesz (Budapest) - Corvina Kiado - Helikon Kiado, c1982 Incluso in > The book of hours of Pannonhalma Testo Monografico |