Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1983 (4 di 4)

Pagina nr. 3375 di 3611       

Wahrlich, Beatriz Marques de Souza
Reforma administrativa na era de Vargas / Beatriz M. De Souza Wahrlich
Rio de Janeiro - FGV, Instituto de Documentação - Editora da Fundação Getulio Vargas, 1983
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Waiblinger, Wilhelm
5- Samtliche Briefe / Wilhelm Waiblinger
Stuttgart - Cotta Nachf., copyr. 1982-1985
Incluso in > Werke und Briefe / Wilhelm Waiblinger ; textkritische und Kommentierte Ausgabe in funf Banden herausgegeben von Hans Koniger
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Waidson, Herbert Morgan
German short stories 1900-1955 / selected ed. by H. M. Waidson
Cambridge - University Press, 1959-
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Wailly, Philippe - de
Le boxer / Philippe de Wailly et Jean-Louis Festjens ; photos- Nicolas Leser
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Solar, c1983
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Wailly, Philippe - de
L' épagneul breton / Philippe de Wailly et Roby
(Paris - Solar, c1983
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Wainerman, Catalina
Del deber ser y el hacer de las mujeres - dos estudios de caso en Argentina / Catalina Wainerman, Elizabeth Jelin y Maria del Carmen Feijoo ; con prologo de Teresita de Barbieri
Mexico - El colegio de Mexico/PISPAL, 1983
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Wainwright, Geoffrey
The ecumenical moment - crisis and opportunity for the Church / by Geoffrey Wainwright
Grand Rapids - William B. Eerdmans publishing Company, 1983
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Wainwright, John
Povero William Drever / John Wainwright
Milano - A. Mondadori, (1983)
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Wainwright, John
Povero William Drever / John Wainwright
Milano - Mondadori, 1983
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Wais, Kurt
Fruhe epik westeuropas und die vorgeschichte des nibelungenliedes / von Kurt Wais
Tubingen - Max Niemeyer, 1953
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Waismann, Friedrich
Wille und Motiv - zwei Abhandlungen uber Ethik und Handlungstheorie / Friedrich Waismann ; herausgegeben von Joachim Schulte
Stuttgart - P. Reclam, (1983)
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Waite, Mitchell
CP/M bible - the authoritative reference guide to CP/M / Mitchell Waite and John Angermeyer
Indianapolis, Ind., USA - H.W. Sams, c1983
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Waite, Mitchell
Graphics primer for the IBM PC / Mitchell Waite, Christopher L. Morgan
Berkeley, California - Osborne ; McGraw-Hill, c1983
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Waits, Tom
Swordfishtrombones / Tom Waits
(London - Island, 1983
Registrazione audio

Wake, William C.
Analysis of rubber and rubber-like polymers / W. C. Wake, B. K. Tidd and M. J. R. Loadman
London ; New York - Applied science publishers, 1983
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