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Zagreb - Hrvatski olimpijski odbor Pubblicazione Periodica O povo - orgam politico e dedicado aos interesses do povo Cuyabŕ - s.n. Pubblicazione Periodica 3- Povyšenie effektivnosti socialisticeskogo vosproizvodstva / redakcionnaja kollegija toma V. N. Kononenko ... ed altri Kiev - Naukova dumka, 1985 Incluso in > Ekonomiceskie problemy razvitogo socializma - v 4-h tomah, 5-ti knigah / redakcionnaja kollegija - I. I. Lukinov ... et al. Testo Monografico Powder technology - an international journal on the science and technology of wet and dry particulate systems Lausanne - Elsevier, 1967- Pubblicazione Periodica Power New York - Mc Graw-Hill, 1882- Pubblicazione Periodica Power New York - s.n. Pubblicazione Periodica Power / directed by Sidney Lumet ; written by David Himmelstein ; original music by Cy Coleman Milano - Fox Video, 1992 Audiovisivo Power and knowledge - anthropological and sociological approaches - proceedings of a conference held at the University of St. Andrews in December 1982 / edited by Richard Fardon Edinburgh - Scottish Academic, 1985 Testo Monografico Power and policy in quest of law - essays in honor of Eugene Victor Rostow / edited by Myres S. McDougal and W. Michael Reisman Dordrecht etc. - M. Nijhoff, 1985 Testo Monografico Power and policy in the PRC / edited by Yu-ming Shaw Boulder °Co. ; London - Westview, 1985 Testo Monografico Power engineering Vol.54, n.5(may 1950)- Pubblicazione Periodica Power engineering - the magazine of the power generation Barrington - PennWell Pub. Co, 1950- Pubblicazione Periodica Power farming , 1969- Pubblicazione Periodica Power mos devices (Italia, etc.) - SGS, 1985 Testo Monografico The power of the powerless - citizens against the state in Central-Eastern Europe / Václav Havel ed altri ; introduction by Steven Lukes ; edited by John Keane London ; Melbourne (etc. - Hutchinson, 1985 Testo Monografico |