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International seminar on nuclear war - 5th session- SDI, computer simulations, new proposals to stop the arms race - held at the E. Majorana centre for scientific culture, Erice, August 19-24, 1985 / chairman- A.Zichichi ; contributors- G. Andreotti ... (ed altri) ; proceedings edited by- W. S. Newman, S. Stipcich Frascati - printed and published by Servizio documentazione dei Laboratori nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN, 1986 Testo Monografico International seminar on regional development planning for disaster prevention (1986 ; Nagoya) 2- Planning and management for the prevention and mitigation from earthquake disasters / organizing Committee of the international seminar on regional development planning for disaster prevention Nagoya - United Nations Centre for Regional Development, (1986?) Incluso in > Planning for crisis relief - towards comprehensive resource management and planning disaster prevention - papers presented at the international seminar, 24-30 september 1986 / organizing Committee of... Testo Monografico International seminar on regional development planning for disaster prevention (1986 ; Nagoya) 1- Planning and management for the prevention and mitigation from flood and highwind disasters / organizing Committee of the international seminar on regional development planning for disaster prevention Nagoya - United Nations Centre for Regional Development, (1986?) Incluso in > Planning for crisis relief - towards comprehensive resource management and planning disaster prevention - papers presented at the international seminar, 24-30 september 1986 / organizing Committee of... Testo Monografico International seminar on regional development planning for disaster prevention (1986 ; Nagoya) 4- Planning and management for the prevention and mitigation from natural disasters - Japanese experiences / organizing Committee of the international seminar on regional development planning for disaster prevention Nagoya - United Nations Centre for Regional Development, (1986?) Incluso in > Planning for crisis relief - towards comprehensive resource management and planning disaster prevention - papers presented at the international seminar, 24-30 september 1986 / organizing Committee of... Testo Monografico International seminar on regional development planning for disaster prevention (1986 ; Nagoya) 3- Planning and management for the prevention and mitigation from natural disasters in metropolis / organizing Committee of the international seminar on regional development planning for disaster prevention Nagoya - United Nations Centre for Regional Development, (1986?) Incluso in > Planning for crisis relief - towards comprehensive resource management and planning disaster prevention - papers presented at the international seminar, 24-30 september 1986 / organizing Committee of... Testo Monografico International serials data system Liste d'abrevations de mots des titres de publications en serie. Supplement 1985 (conforme a ISO 4-1984) / International Serials Data System Paris - CIEPS ; ISDS International Centre, c1986 Testo Monografico International serials data system Manuel de l'ISDS / version francaise etablie par le Centre national d'enregistrement des publications en serie, Biblioteque Nationale Paris - Centre International de l'ISDS, 1986 Testo Monografico International simposium on global change in Africa during quaternary past, present, future (1986 ; Dakar) Inqua - Asequa International symposium on global change in Africa during quaternary past - present - future - Dakar, 21-28 Avril 1986 - volume des resumes / edite par H. Faure ... (ed altri) Paris - Orstom, 1986 Testo Monografico International social security association Berufliche Wiederherstellung und Bemessung der Leistungen - 4. bericht 10. Generalversammlung - Wien, 3.bis 7. juli 1951 / Internationale vereinigung fur soziale sicherheit Genf - Generalsekretariat, 1951 Testo Monografico International social security association Evolution et tendances de la sécurité sociale / Association internationale de la securité sociale Genève - A.I.S.S., 1959- Testo Monografico International social security association La protection sociale agricole Geneve - A.I.S.S., 1986 Testo Monografico International society for applied ethology Proceedings of the ... International congress of the international society for applied ethology Wheathampstead - UFAW Universities Federation for Animal Welfare, 1966- Pubblicazione Periodica International society for experimental hematology Experimental hematology today - 1985 - selected papers from the 14. Annual meeting of the International society for experimental hematology, july 14-18, 1985, Jerusalem, Israel / edited by S. J. Baum, D. H. Pluznik, L. A. Rozenszajn New York etc. - Springer-Verlag, c1986 Testo Monografico International society for heart research Abstracts of 12. congress of the international society for heart research, Melbourne (Australia) 9-13 February 1986 and Program and abstracts of the Satellite symposium of the 12. Congress of the society for heart research, Auckland (New Zeland) 7-8 February 1986 Testo Monografico International society for heart research Alpha adrenoceptors and myocardium - 12. congress of the International society for heart research, Melbourne (Australia) 9-13 February 1986 / first editor W. G. Nayler ; editor L. Opie Testo Monografico |