Pagina nr. 252 di 4666 |
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Incluso in > Cardiac rehabilitation- exercise testing and prescription / edited by Linda K. Hall, G. Curt Meyer Testo Monografico Roma - Capozzi, 1988 Incluso in > Imaging di ortopedia e traumatologia - radiologo e ortopedico a confronto / Thomas H. Berquist Testo Monografico Lausanne - Presses polytechniques romandes, c1988 Incluso in > Elements d'equations aux derivees partielles pour ingenieurs - theorie et methodes numeriques / C. Cuvelier ... (et al.) Testo Monografico New York (etc.) - J. Wiley, c1988 Incluso in > Evolution of size effects in chemical dynamics Testo Monografico Schenectady, N. Y. - Union College ; Bethel, Ct. - Society for Experimental Mechanics, c1988 Incluso in > Proceedings of the 6th International modal analysis conference - February 1-4, 1988, Hyatt Orlando, Kissimmee, Florida / director Dominick J. DeMichele ; sponsored by Union College, Society for Exper... Testo Monografico Bogota - Fundacion Francisco de Paula Santander, 1988 Incluso in > Escritos sobre Santander / Horacio Rodriguez Plata, Juan Camilo Rodriguez compiladores Testo Monografico Rotterdam - Balkema, 1988 Incluso in > Tunnels and Water - Water and its influence on the design construction and exploitation of tunnels and underground works - proceedings of the International Congress Madrid 12-15 June 1988 Testo Monografico Incluso in > Symposium on Reliability-based design in Civil Engineering - Lausanne, July 7-9, 1988 - Proceedings / edited by Philippe L. Bourdeau Testo Monografico Torino - Fogola, 1988, stampa 1986 Incluso in > Iconologia / Cesare Ripa ; ed. pratica a cura di Piero Buscaroli ; con prefazione di Mario Praz Testo Monografico (Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ) - Peruzzo, ©1988 Incluso in > Il grande libro dei funghi Testo Monografico Englewood - EEGS, 1988 Incluso in > Proceedings of the Symposium on the application of geophysicsto engineering and environmental problems - March 28-31, 1988, Golden, Colorado / sponsored by Environmental and engineering geophysical s... Testo Monografico Boca Raton (Florida) - CRC press, c1988 Incluso in > Peptide hormones- effects and mechanisms of action / editors- Andres Negro-Vilar, P. Michael Conn Testo Monografico Washington (D.C.) - American institute of aeronautics and astronautics, c1988 Incluso in > ICAS proceedings 1988 - 16. congress of the International council of the aeronautical sciences - August 28-September 2, 1988, Jerusalem, Israel Testo Monografico London - Pinter, 1988 Incluso in > Advances in natural language generation - an interdisciplinary perspective / edited by Michael Zock and Gerard Sabah Testo Monografico (Los Angeles) - MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation, c1988 Incluso in > MSC/NASTRAN dynamics 1. - example problems / MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation Testo Monografico |