Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1988 (1 di 5)

Pagina nr. 3423 di 4666       

Community - an independent quarterly journal
Colombo - s.n. (Colombo - The associated newspapers of Ceylon)
Pubblicazione Periodica

Community dental health - the official journal of the British association for the study of community dentistry and the European association of dental public health (2003-)
London - published in collaboration with the British association for the study of communty dentistry (by John Libbey, (©1984-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Community dentistry and oral epidemiology
Copenhagen (DK) - Munksgaard, 1973-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Community development bulletin
London - Mass education Clearing House, Univeristy of London Institute of Education, 1951
Pubblicazione Periodica

The Community development journal
Vol.1, n.1(1966)-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Community ecology - a workshop held at Davis, CA, April 1986 / A. Hastings (ed.)
Berlin etc. - Springer, c1988
Testo Monografico

The community ecology of sea otters / edited by G.R. VanBlaricom and J.A. Estes
Berlin etc. - Springer, c1988
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Community in America - the challange of Habits of the Heart / edited and introduced by Charles H. Reynolds and Ralph V. Norman
Berkeley etc. - University of California press, ©1988
Testo Monografico

Community in America - the challenge of habits of the heart / edited and introduced by Charles H. Reynolds and Ralph V. Norman
Berkeley (etc.) - University of California Press, c 1988
Testo Monografico

The Community labour force survey in the 1990s / Proceedings of the seminar The Community labour force survey in the 1990s, Luxembourg, October 1987 ; (contrib. di M. Hayden ed altri)
Lussemburgo - Ufficio delle pubblicazioni ufficiali delle Comunità europee, 1988
Testo Monografico

Community medicine
-11, 1989
Pubblicazione Periodica

Community organizations - studies in resource mobilization and exchange / edited by Carl Milofsky
New York ; Oxford - Oxford University press, 1988
Testo Monografico

Community planning review
Ottawa - (s.n. , 1951-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Community policing - rhetoric or reality / edited by Jack R. Greene and Stephen D. Mastrofski
New York ; Westport ; London - Praeger, c1988
Testo Monografico

Community Prayers / Third Order Regular of St. Francis of Penance
Testo Monografico