Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1988(4 di 5)

Pagina nr. 2734 di 4667       

International congress of emergency surgery (8. ; 1987 ; Milano)
8th International congress of emergency surgery - Milano, 21-24 giugno 1987 / a cura di V. Staudacher, G. Bevilacqua
Bologna - Monduzzi, 1987
Testo Monografico

International congress of endocrinology (8. ; 1988 ; Kyoto, JP)
Progress in endocrinology - proceedings of the 8. International congress of endocrinology - Kyoto, 17-23 July 1988 / editors Hiroo Imura, Kazuo Shizume, Sho Yoshida
Amsterdam etc. - Excerpta medica, 1988
Testo Monografico

International congress of entomology (18. ; 1988 ; Vancouver)
Proceedings of the 18. international congress of entomology - Vancouver, B.C., Canada - July 3rd to 9th, 1988 - abstracts and author index
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ; s.n, 1988 )
Testo Monografico

International congress of essential oils fragrances and flavors (10. ; 1986 ; Washington)
Flavors and fragrances - a world perspective - proceedings of the 10. International Congress of Essential Oils, Fragrances, and Flavors, Washington, DC, U.S.A., 16-20 November 1986 / edited by Brian M. Lawrence, Braja D. Mookherjee, Brian J. Willis
Amsterdam (etc.) - Elsevier, 1988
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International congress of Ethiopian studies (9. ; 1986 ; Moscow)
Proceedings of the ninth International congress of Ethiopian studies - Moscow, 26-29 August 1986
Moskow - Nauka Publishers - Central Department of Oriental Literature, 1988
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International congress of lymphology (11. ; 1987 ; Vienna)
Progress in lymphology 11. - proceedings of the 11. International congress of lymphology, held in Vienna, Austria, 24-27 September 1987 / organizers E. Mannheimer, F. Kaindl and H. Partsch ; editor H. Partsch
Amsterdam (etc. - Excerpta medica, 1988
Testo Monografico

International congress of medieval canon law (7. ; 1984 ; Cambridge)
Proceedings of the seventh International congress of medieval canon law - Cambridge, 23-27 July 1984 / edited by Peter Linehan
Città del Vaticano - Biblioteca apostolica Vaticana, 1988 ( Roma - G.S.G.-Istituto Pio XI)
Testo Monografico

International congress of Neo-Latin studies (6. ; 1985 ; Wolfenbuttel)
Acta conventus neo-latini Guelpherbytani - proceedings of the 6. International congress of neo-Latin studies - WolfenbW1I0uttel, August 1985 / edited by Stella P. Revard, Fidel RW1I0adle, Mario A. Di Cesare
Binghamton, New York - Center for medieval & early Renaissance studies, 1988
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International congress of neuroimmunology (2. ; 1987 ; Filadelfia, Pensilvania)
Advances in neuroimmunology / edited by Cedric S. Raine
New York, N.Y. - New York academy of sciences, 1988
Incluso in > Annals of the New York academy of sciences
Testo Monografico

International congress of neurological sciences (1. ; 1957 ; Bruxelles)
Proceedings - Brussels, 21-28 July, 1957 / ed. by L. van Bogaert, J. Radermeecker
London - Pergamon Press, 1959- .
Testo Monografico

International congress of orientalists (25. ; 1960 ; Mosca)
Trudy dvadcat' pjatogo Meždunarodnogo Kongressa Vostokovedov - Moskva, 9-16 avgusta 1960
Nendeln - Kraus reprint, 1972-
Testo Monografico

International congress of Orientalists (26. ; 1964 ; New Delhi)
Proceedings of the twenty-sixth International congress of orientalists - New Delhi 4-10th January, 1964
New Delhi - Organising committee 26. International congress of orientalists ; (poi Poona - Bhandarkar oriental research institute, 1966-
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International Congress of Papyrology (18. ; 1986 ; Atene)
Proceedings of the 18. International Congress of Papyrology - Athens 25-31 may 1986 / Basil G. Mandilaras
Athens - Greek Papyrological Society, 1988
Testo Monografico

International congress of pharmacology (10. ; 1987 ; Sydney, N.S.W.)
Pharmacology and functional regulation of dopaminergic neurons - proceedings of a satellite symposium of the IUPHAR 10. International congress of pharmacology - 31 August-2 September 1987 / edited by P. M. Beart, G. N. Woodruff and D. M. Jackson
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire - Macmillan press, Scientific & medical, 1988
Testo Monografico

International congress of pharmacology (10. ; 1987 ; Sydney, N.S.W.)
The pharmacology of nicotine - proceedings satellite symposium of the tenth International congress of pharmacology - Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, September 4-6, 1987 / edited by Michael J. Rand and Klaus Thurau
Oxford ; Washington - IRL press, (©1988
Testo Monografico