Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1989 (3 di 5)

Pagina nr. 3943 di 4667       

Albrecht, Harald
Untersuchungen zur Veranderung der Segetalflora an sieben bayerischen Ackerstandorten zwischen den Erhebungszeitraumen 1951 68 und 1986 88 / von Harald Albrecht
Berlin ; Stuttgart - J. Cramer in der Gebruder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1989
Testo Monografico

Albrecht, Michael - von
Masters of Roman prose from Cato to Apuleius - interpretative studies / Michael von Albrecht ; translated by Neil Adkin
Leed - F. Cairns, 1989
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Albrecht, Michael - von
Scripta Latina - accedunt variorum Carmina Heidelbergensia dissertatiunculae colloquia / Michael von Albrecht
Frankfurt am Main etc. - P. Lang, copyr. 1989
Testo Monografico

Albrecht, Monika
Die andere Seite - Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung von Werk und Person Max Frischs in Ingeborg Bachmanns 'Todesarten' / Monika Albrecht
Wurzburg - Konigshausen und Neumann, copyr. 1989
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Albright, Daniel
Stravinsky - the music box and the nightingale / Daniel Albright
New York - Gordon and Breach, 1989
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Albritton, Claude C. (jr.)
Catastrophic episodes in earth history / Claude C. Albritton, Jr
London - Chapman and Hall, c1989
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Albrizzi, Alessandro
The gardens of Venice / photographs by Alessandro Albrizzi ; text by Mary Jane Pool ; introduction by Ileana Chiappini Di Sorio
New York - Rizzoli, 1989
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Albuquerque, Luís - de
Curso de historia da nautica / Luis de Albuquerque
Lisboa - Alfa, c1989
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Albuquerque, Ruy - de
Estudos de direito romano / Ruy de Albuquerque
Lisboa - AAFDL, 1989
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Albuquerque, Teresa
Santa Cruz - (Calapor) - profile of a village in Goa / Teresa Albuquerque
Goa - Fernandes publication, 1989
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Alburey, Pat
Biscotti / Pat Alburey
Milano - A. Mondadori, c1989
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Alburey, Pat
Biscotti / Pat Alburey ; a cura di Maria Elisabetta Botto Poala
Milano - A. Mondadori, 1989
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Alburt, Lev
Test and improve your chess - numerical evaluation and other improvement techniques / by Lev Alburt ; edited by Kenneth P. Neat
Oxford etc. - Pergamon press, 1989
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Albèrgamo, Francesco
Pensiero e attività educativa nel loro corso storico
Palermo - Palumbo, 1967-
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Albéniz, Isaac
10 famous transcriptions / Miguel Llobet ; edited by Ronald Purcell
Heidelberg - Chantarelle, c1989
Incluso in > Guitar works / Miguel Llobet ; edited by Ronald Purcell
Musica (stampa)