Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1989 (4 di 5)

Pagina nr. 2909 di 4667       

Hewstone, Miles
Causal attribution - from cognitive processes to collective beliefs / Miles Hewstone
Oxford etc. - Basil Blackwell, c1989
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Hexa (s.n.c.)
VAX/VMS - guida per l'utente / HEXA s.n.c
Milano - Jackson, c1989
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Hexton, Richard
Dealing in traded options / Richard Hexton
New York etc. - Prentice Hall, 1989
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Hey, Ellen
The regime for the exploitation of transboundary marine fisheries resources - the united nations law of the sea convention cooperation between states / by Ellen Hey
Dordrecht etc. - Nijhoff, c1989
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Hey, John
Insurance and saving / di John Hey, Mariateresa Fiocca
Roma - s. n. , 1989
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Heyde, Herbert
Historische musikinstrumente der Staatlichen Reka-Sammlung am Bezirksmuseum Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) - katalog / Herbert Heyde
Wiesbaden - Breitkopf & Härtel, 1989
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Heyden, Doris
The eagle, the cactus, the rock - the roots of Mexico-Tenochtitlan's foundation myth and symbol / Doris Heyden
Oxford - BAR, 1989
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Heydt, Robert
DB2 database design and administration - version 2 / Robert Heydt and Diane Heydt
New York - Wiley, 1989
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Heyen, Erk Volkmar
Profile der deutschen ond franzosischen Verwaltungsrechtwissenschaft 1880-1914. / Erk Volkmar Heyen
Frankfurt am Main - Klostermann, 1989
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Heyen, Erk Volkmar
Profile der deutschen und franzosischen Vertwaltungsrechtswissenschaft 1880-1914 / Erk Volkmar Heyen
, Frankfurt am Main - Klostermann 1989
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Heyen, Erk Volkmar
Profile der deutschen und franzosischen Verwaltungsrechtswissenschaft - 1880-1914 / Erk Volkmar Heyen
Frankfurt am Main - Klostermann, 1989
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Heyen, Franz-Josef
Das Erzbistum Trier
Berlin - De Gruyter, 1972- .
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Heyen, Volkmar Erk
Profile der deutschen und franzosischen Verwaltungsrechtswissenschaft - 1880-1914 / Erk Volkmar Heyen
Frankfurt am Main - Klostermann, 1989
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Heyerdahl, Thor
Eventyret og livsverket / Thor Heyerdahl ; fortalt av Christopher Ralling
Oslo - Gyldendal Norsk, (1989)
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Heyerdahl, Thor
Il mistero delle Maldive / Thor Heyerdahl
Milano - CDE, stampa 1989
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