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Multiparticle production - proceedings of the Perugia workshop, Perugia, Italy, June 21-28, 1988 / editors R. Hwa ... ed altri Singapore etc. - World scientific, c1989 Testo Monografico Workshop on neurotransmitters and diseases (6. ; 1989 ; Kobe, Giappone) Regulatory roles of neuropeptides - proceedings of the sixth Workshop on neurotransmitters and diseases - Kobe, June 17, 1989 / editor Hiroshi Takagi ; organizing committee Masakuni Kameyama ... (ed altri Amsterdam - Excerpta medica, 1989 Cartina Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems (3. ; 1998 ; Mar del Plata, Argentina) Nonlinear phenomena in complex systems - proceedings of the Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, Mar del Plata, Argentina, November 1-14, 1988 / edited by A.N. Proto Amsterdam ; New York - North-Holland ; New York, N.Y., U.S.A. - Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co., 1989 Testo Monografico Workshop on perspectives in nuclear physics at intermediate energies (4 ; 1989 ; Trieste) Fourth workshop on perspectives in nuclear physics at intermediate energies - ICTP, Trieste, Italy, May 8-12, 1989 / editors S. Boffi, C. Ciofi degli Atti, M. Giannini Singapore etc. - World Scientific, c1989 Testo Monografico Workshop on rare events in geology (2. ; 1987, Beijing) Rare events, mass extinction and evolution - second workshop on rare events in geology CIGCP 1997, Beijing, China, March 1987 Chur (etc.) - Harwood academic publishers, 1989 Incluso in > Historical biology - an international journal od paleobiology Testo Monografico Workshop on Road Vehicle Systems and related mathemathics (2. ; 1987 ; Torino) Proceedings of the Second workshop on Road-vehicle-systems and related mathematics, June 20-25, 1987, ISI Torino / edited by Helmut Neunzert Stuttgart - B. G. Teubner ; Dordrecht etc. - Kluwer, c1989 Testo Monografico Workshop on Statistical Methods for the Assessment of Point Source Pollution (Burlington) Statistical methods for the assesment of point source pollution - proceedings of a workshop on statistical methods for the assesment of point source pollution held in Burlington, Ontario, Canada / edited by D.T. Chapman and A.H. El-Shaarawi Dordrecht (etc.) - Kluwer Academic, copyr. 1989 Testo Monografico Workshop on the many facets of nuclear physics (1989 ; Torino) Workshop on the many facets of nuclear physics - Torino, Italy 9-12 november 1987 / editors W. M. Alberico, A. Molinari, G. Pollarolo Singapore etc. - World Scientific, c1989 Testo Monografico Workshop on the Norht-West Mediterranean Sea (1. ; 1989 ; Paris) Eros 2000 - European river ocean system - first workshop on the north-west Mediterranean sea - Paris, 7-9 march 1989 / edited by J.-M. Martin and H. Barth Paris - Ministère de la Science et de la Technologie, (1989 Testo Monografico Workshop on the Riccati equation in control, systems and signals (1989 ; Como) Workshop on the Riccati equation in control, systems and signals - June 26-28, 1989, Villa Gallica in Como, Italy / lecture notes Sergio Bittanti ed. Bologna - Pitagora, 1989 Testo Monografico Workshop on theoretical and phenomenological aspects of underground physics (1989) TAUP 89 - workshop on theoretical and phenomenological aspects of underground physics - Laboratori Nazionali Gran Sasso (INFN) and Universita dell'Aquila september 25-28, 1989 / editors A. Bottino and P. Monacelli Gif-sur-Yvette - Editions Frontieres, copyr. 1989 Testo Monografico Workshop on turbulence and nonlinear dynamics in MHD flows 1988 ; Cargese Turbulence and nonlinear dynamics in MHD flows - proceedings of the workshop on turbulence and nonlinear dynamics in MHD flows, Cargese, France, July 4-8, 1988 / edited by M. Meneguzzi, A. Pouquet, P. L. Sulem Amsterdam etc. - North-Holland, 1989 Testo Monografico Workshop on unsaturated flow in hydrologic modeling (1988 ; Arles) Unsaturated flow in hydrologic modeling - theory and practice - proceedings of the Nato Advanced Research Workshop on unsaturated flow in hydrologic modeling - theory and practice, Arles, France, june 13-17, 1988 / edited by H. J. Morel-Seytoux Dordrecht etc. - Kluwer academic, c1989 Testo Monografico Workshop WADS (1989 ; Ottawa) Algorithms and data structures - Workshop WADS '89, Ottawa, Canada, August 17-19, 1989 - proceedings / F. Dehne, J.-R. Sack, N. Santoro (eds.) Berlin etc. - Springer, c1989 Testo Monografico World Alliance of Reformed Churches Covenanting for peace and justice / with a preface by Choan-Seng Song ; reflections by WARC Church Leaders Geneva - World Alliance of Reformed Churches, 1989 Testo Monografico |