Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1990 (1 di 5)

Pagina nr. 4598 di 4666       

1- Drainage models and quality issues
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ) - Local organizing committee of the 5. international conference on urban storm drainage, 1990
Incluso in > Proceedings of the fifth international conference on urban storm drainage - Suita, Osaka, Japan, July 23-27, 1990 / edited by Yoshiaki Iwasa and Tomitaro Sueshi
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2- Drainage systems and runoff reduction
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ) - Local organizing committee of the 5. international conference on urban storm drainage, 1990
Incluso in > Proceedings of the fifth international conference on urban storm drainage - Suita, Osaka, Japan, July 23-27, 1990 / edited by Yoshiaki Iwasa and Tomitaro Sueshi
Testo Monografico

4- The drama / edited by Bernd Eberstein
Leiden (etc.) - Brill, 1990
Incluso in > A selective guide to Chinese literature, 1900-1949
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Drama - one forum many voices
Newcastle upon Tyne - National Drama publications, °1973 -
Pubblicazione Periodica

Drama - the quarterly theatre review
London - A British drama league publication, 1919-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Drama and philosophy / (edited by James Redmond)
Cambridge - Cambridge University, 1990
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The Drama review - New plays and translations, criticism, theory, reviews, interviews
New Orleans, 1968-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Drama studio - per una ricerca intermittente / testi di Domenico Pievani ; fotografie Alain Volut ; interventi Enrico Masseroli ... {ed altri} ; prefazioni Luciano Giorgi, Riccardo Bonacina
Lecco - Comune di Lecco ; Bergamo - Teatro di silenzio, c 1990
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Dramak / Mňricz Zsigmond ; (vŕlogatta, jegyzetekkel ellŕtta és a szoveget gondozta Rez Pŕl)
Budapest - Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, 1980
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Dramat staropolski od poczatków do powstania sceny narodowej - Bibliografia / ?Riassunto in lingua francese?
Wroclaw ; Warszswa ; Krakow - Zaklad narodowy imienia Ossolinskich-Wydawnictwo Polskiej Akademii nauk, 1965- .
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The dramatic touch of difference - theatre, own and foreign / edited by Erika Fischer-Lichte, Josephine Riley, Michael Gissenwehrer
Tubingen - G. Narr, c1990
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6- ( Dramatica)
Frankfurt am Main - Keip, 1990
Incluso in > Opera poetica omnia / Jacob Balde ; hrsg. und eingeleitet von Wilhelm Kuhlmann und Hermann Wiegand
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4- Dramatische Dichtungen 2. / (J. W. von Goethe) ; Textkritisch durchges. und komm. von Wolfgang Kayser
Munchen - Beck, 1990
Incluso in > Goethes Werke - (Hamburger Ausgabe in 14 Banden) / (hrsg. von Erich Trunz)
Testo Monografico

Dramaturgie romîna contemporana - culegere
Bucure ti - Ed. pentru literatura, 1964- .
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Drame i dramski fragmenti / Nikola 1. Petrovic Njegos ; priredio Ratko Durovic
Cetinje - Obod, 1990
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