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Dobbs Ferry, New York - Oceana, 1990 Incluso in > American international law cases Testo Monografico Vol. 96, pt. 1 - Technical and symposium papers presented at the 1990 winter meeting in Atlanta, Georgia of the American Society of heating, refrigerating and air-conditioning engineers / ASHRAE Atlanta - ASHRAE, 1990 Incluso in > ASHRAE transactions / American society of heating, refrigerating and air-conditioning engineers Testo Monografico Vol. 9- , Dobbs Ferry - Oceana,1990 Incluso in > The law of the sea - documents 1983-1994 / Preparatory commission for the international sea-bed authority and for the international tribunal for the law of the sea ; compiled and edited by Renate P... Testo Monografico Vol. 9- 1947-1951 , C 1990 Incluso in > OEuvres completes / Jacques et Raissa Maritain ; edition publiee par le Cercle d'Etudes Jacques et Raissa Maritain ; edition etablie par Jean-Marie Allion ... et al. Testo Monografico Vol. A15, Isotopes, natural to Magnesium compounds / editors Barbara Elvers, Stephen Hawkins, Gail Schulz- Weinheim - VCH, c1990 Incluso in > Ullmann's encyclopedia of industrial chemistry / executive editor Wolfgang Gerhartz ; editors Barbara Elvers ... et al. Testo Monografico Vol. A16, Magnetic materials to Mutagenic agents / editors Barbara Elvers, Stephen Hawkins, Gail Schulz- Weinheim - VCH, c1990 Incluso in > Ullmann's encyclopedia of industrial chemistry / executive editor Wolfgang Gerhartz ; editors Barbara Elvers ... et al. Testo Monografico Vol.1 Incluso in > English literature and backgrounds, 1660-1700 - a selective critical guide / Margaret M. Duggan Testo Monografico Vol.1 72 p. ; 24 cm Incluso in > Didattica museale in Italia - rassegna di bibliografia / di Piera Panzeri Testo Monografico Vol.1 , 1990 Incluso in > Baltic birds 5 - ecology, migration and protection of Baltic birds - proceeding of the 5. Conference on the study and conservation of migratory birds of the Baltic basin - Riga, October 5-10, 1987 / ... Testo Monografico Vol.1 , 1990 Incluso in > The collected papers of T.W.Anderson 1943-1985 / edited by George P. H. Styan Testo Monografico Vol.1 Sion - Vallesia, 1990 Incluso in > Une economie alpine a la fin du Moyen Age - Orsieres, l'Entremont et les regions voisines - 1250-1500 / Pierre Dubuis Testo Monografico vol.1 / Marco Antonio Platania Palermo - s.n. , 1990 Incluso in > Elenco di 1570 (millecinquecentosettanta) soprannomi etnici e cognomi, raccolti in trascrizione fonetica nel Comune di Misterbianco (Catania), provvisti delle relative spiegazioni / Marco Antonio Pla... Testo Monografico Vol.1 - A-C Incluso in > Encyclopedic dictionary of electronics, electrical engineering and information processing - English-German, German-English / Peter Wennrich ; poi Michael Peschke (compiler), Peter Wennrich (founder) Testo Monografico Vol.1.- Secoli 1. e 2 Incluso in > Introduzione ai Padri della Chiesa / G. Bosio, E. Dal Covolo, M. Maritano ; prefazione di Franco Bolgiani Testo Monografico Vol.10 Edinburgh - The law Society of Scotland Butterworths, 1990 Incluso in > The laws of Scotland - Stair memorial encyclopaedia Testo Monografico |