Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1990 (4 di 5)

Pagina nr. 4038 di 4667       

Jahnn, Hans Henny
Werke in Einzelbänden / Hans Henny Jahnn ; herausgegeben von Ulrich Bitz und Uwe Schweikert
Hamburg - Hoffmann und Campe, c1985-
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Jahoda, W. J.
Barriere coralline / W. J. Jahoda
Milano - Produzioni artistiche milanesi, 1990
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Jahreiss, Astrid
Grammatiken und Orthographielehren aus dem Jesuitenorden - eine Untersuchung zur Normierung der deutschen Schriftsprache in Unterrichtswerken des 18. Jahrhunderts / Astrid Jahreiss
Heidelberg - Winter, 1990
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Jain, Ashok Kumar
The making of a metropolis - planning and growth of Delhi / A. K. Jain
New Delhi - National Book Organisation, 1990
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Jain, Bijendra N.
Open systems interconnection - its architecture and protocols / Bijendra N. Jain ans Ashok K. Agrawala
Amsterdam etc. - Elsevier, 1990
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Jain, Kailash Chand
Kalidasa and his times / K. C. Jain
Delhi - Agam Kala Prakashan, 1990
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Jain, P. S.
Medieval Jainism - culture and environment
New Dehli - Ashish, 1990
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Jain, Ravinder Kumar
Management of research and development organizations - managing the unmanageable / R. K. Jain, H. C. Triandis
New York (etc.) - Wiley, c1990
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Jain, Subhash C.
International marketing management / Subhash C. Jain
Boston - PWS-Kent, 1990
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Jain, Vardhman Kumar
Trade and traders in Western India - AD 1000-1300 / V. K. Jain
New Delhi - M. Manoharlal, 1990
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Jajlenko, Valerij P.
Arhaiceskaja Grecija i Bliznij Vostok / V. P. Jajlenko
Moskva - Nauka, 1990
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Jakab, Laszlo,
A debreceni magyar es finnugor nyelvtudomanyi tanszekek tortenete (1914-1990) / Jakab Laszlo, Keresztes Laszlo
Debrecen - (Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem), 1990
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Jakab, Peter L.
Visions of a flying machine - the Wright brothers and the process of invention / Peter L. Jakab
Washington etc. - Smithsonian institution press, c1990
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Jakes, John
Amore e guerra / John Jakes
Milano - Sperling Paperback, 1990
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Jakes, John
California Gold / John Jakes ; traduzione di Tullio Dobner e Bruno Amato
Milano - Sperling & Kupfer, 1990
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