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Milano - s.n. , 1988- Pubblicazione Periodica Direction et gestion des entreprises Paris - Istitut national de gestion previsionelle et controle de gestion, -1997 Pubblicazione Periodica Direction of trade statistics / prepared by the General statistics division of the Bureau of statistics of the International monetary fund Washington - IMF, 1981-1994 Pubblicazione Periodica Direction of trade statistics. Yearbook / prepared by the General statistics division of the Bureau of statistics of the International monetary fund Washington - IMF, 1981- Pubblicazione Periodica Directions in infinite graph theory and combinatorics - reprinted from the journal Discrete mathematics, v. 95, n. 1-3, 1991 / edited by R. Diestel ; with an introduction by C. St. J. A. Nash-Williams Amsterdam etc. - North-Holland, 1992 Testo Monografico The director - the magazine for decision-makers in business London - Director Publications Ltd Pubblicazione Periodica Directorate paper. Mercury series / National museum of man V. 1 (1978)- Pubblicazione Periodica Directorio de instituciones y organismos relacionados con la etnografia Madrid - Ministerio de cultura, 1992 Testo Monografico Directorio eclesiástico del Perú Lima - Secretariado general del Episcopado Peruano, 1984-1993 Pubblicazione Periodica Directorium Ecclesiae patriarchalis et metropolitanae Venetiarum ad diuina romano ritu persoluenda anno ... Venetiis - ex typ. patriar. Antonii Cordella editoris, 1841- Pubblicazione Periodica Directors report / Florida state museum , 1958/59- Pubblicazione Periodica Directory / American musicological society Philadelphia - American musicolo al society Pubblicazione Periodica Directory / The british Chamber of commerce for Italy Milano - (s.n.) Pubblicazione Periodica Directory 1991/92 / Commission of the European Communities, Task force- Human Resources, Education, Training and Youth Luxembourg - Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1992 Incluso in > Erasmus and lingua action 2 / Commissiom of the European Communities, Task force- Human Resources, Education, Training and Youth Testo Monografico Directory of African experts Addis Ababa - Pan-African documentation and information system, 1983 Pubblicazione Periodica |