Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1992 (3 di 5)

Pagina nr. 1231 di 4667       

Purakala - The Journal of Rock Art Society of India
Dayallbagh - Rock Art Society of India, 1990
Pubblicazione Periodica

Purchasing and providing social services in the 1990s - drawing the line / edited by Isobel Allen
London - Policy Studies Institute, c1992
Testo Monografico

Purchasing power parities and real expenditures - 1990
Paris - Organisation for economic co-operation and development, c 1992-1993
Testo Monografico

Purdue agriculture reports
Lafayette - (S.N.), 1971 -
Pubblicazione Periodica

Pure and applied chemistry
Oxford - Pergamon, 1960-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Pure and applied geophysics
Basel - Birkhauser, c1964-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Pure and applied geophysics - PAGEOPH
Pubblicazione Periodica

Pure and applied mathematics / edited by R. Courant
New York, London - Interscience publishers
Pubblicazione Periodica

Pure and applied mathematics / General editors - I. N. Sneddon (ed altri)
OXford (etc.) - Pergamon PRESS
Pubblicazione Periodica

Pure and applied mathematics / Paul A. Smith and Samuel Eilenberg
Vol. 50 (1972)-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Pure and applied optics - journal of the European Optical Society. Part A
Bristol - IOP, 1992-1998
Pubblicazione Periodica

Pure mathematics and applications - algebraic systems / edited jointly by the Department of mathematics, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary and Department of mathematics, University of Siena, Italy
Budapest - SAAS, 1990-2006
Pubblicazione Periodica

Pure mathematics and applications. Ser. B / edited jointly by the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of Economics, Budapest, Hungary and Department of Mathematics, University of Siena, Italy
Budapest - Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of Economics ; Siena - Dept. of Mathematics, University of Siena, 1990-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Pure mathematics and applications. Ser. C / edited jointly by the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of Economics, Budapest, Hungary and Department of Mathematics, University of Siena, Italy
Budapest - Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of Economics ; Siena - Dept. of Mathematics, University of Siena, 1990-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Pure una guida pratica per le medesime e relative adiacenze, nonche' Saggi mensili di viaggi ed escursioni economiche - Periodico mensile
Saluzzo - Tip. Edit. Cappa e C., 1894-
Pubblicazione Periodica