Pagina nr. 2446 di 4667 |
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Philadelphia - J. B. Lippincott company Pubblicazione Periodica International code of nomenclature for cultivated plants 1995 - (ICNCP or cultivated plant code) - adopted by the International commission for the nomenclature of cultivated plants / prepared and edited by P. Trehane ... (ed altri) Wimborne - Quarterjack, 1995 Testo Monografico International code of safety for high-speed craft (HSC CODE) - resolution MSC 36 (63) adopted on 20 may 1994 London - IMO, 1995 Testo Monografico International Colloquium celebrating the 500. anniversary of the birth of Marguerite de Navarre - april 13 - 14, 1992, Agnes Scott College / edited by Régine Reynolds-Cornell Birmingam (Alabama) - Summa Publications, 1995 Testo Monografico 1- International commercial air transport. Aeroplanes / International civil aviation organization Montreal - ICAO, 1995 Incluso in > Operation of aircraft - annex 6 to the convention on international civil aviation / International civil aviation organization Testo Monografico International commercial arbitration / compiled and edited by Clive M. Schmitthoff ; a transnational service Kenneth R. Simmonds New York - Oceana Publ., 1986- Testo Monografico International commission of irrigation and canals - question , Rome - (s. n.) Pubblicazione Periodica International communications in heat and mass transfer New York - Pergamon, 1983- Pubblicazione Periodica International communications review New York - International telephone and telegraph corporation, 1929- Pubblicazione Periodica 19- International competition and naval rivalry - 1929-1934 / editor D. K. Adams Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - University publications of America, c1995 Incluso in > Ser. C- North America - 1919-1939 / editor D. K. Adams Testo Monografico International computer law adviser - The international monthly on computers, technology and the law Manhattan Beach, (Calif.) - Law & Technology Press, 1986- Pubblicazione Periodica The international computer lawyer - A journal on developments in computer, new mwdia and telecommunications law Englewood Cliffs, (N.J.) - Prentice Hall Law & Business, c1992- Pubblicazione Periodica International conference on Sanskrit and related studies - September 23-26, 1993 - proceedings / (edited by Cezary Galewicz) Cracow - The Enigma press, 1995 Testo Monografico ... international conference on software engineering - ICSE ... - proceedings / ACM (Association for computing machinery), IEEE computer society, IEEE (Institute of electrical and electronic engineers) Los Alamitos - IEEE Pubblicazione Periodica International congress and symposium series London - Royal society of medicine ; New York, N.Y. - Grune & Stratton, 1978- Pubblicazione Periodica |