Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1997 (4 di 5)

Pagina nr. 349 di 4667       

Young Asia - a monthly organ of the Confederation of Oriental students
Rome - Permanent bureau of the Confederation of Oriental students, 1934-
Pubblicazione Periodica

The Young Buddhist
Singapore - Singapore Buddha-Yana Organization
Pubblicazione Periodica

The Young East - Japanese Buddhist Quarterly
Tokyo - The Young East Association
Pubblicazione Periodica

Young galaxies and QSO absorption-line systems - proceedings of a Workshop held in Santos, Brazil 8-12 april 1996 / edited by Sueli M. Viegas, Ruth Gruenwald and Reinaldo R. de Carvalho
San Francisco - Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1997
Testo Monografico

Young german artists 2 from the Saatchi collection - Grunfeld, Gursky, Hablutzel, Honert, Ruff, Schutte / essay by Greg Hilty
London - The Saatchi gallery, 1997
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Young people and alcohol between school and work - a community action / Osservatorio permanente sui giovani e l'alcool
(Roma) - Logica, (1997)
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Young people and town centres / ATCM (Association of Town Centre Management)
London - ATCM, c1997
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Young people's involvement in sport / edited by John Kremer, Karen Trew and Shaun Ogle
London ; New York - Routledge, 1997
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Young spartacus
New York - (s.n. , 1973-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Young, active, serious, but also funny - youth partecipation on a local level in european perspective / (a cura di Aruna Mungra ... ed altri)
Rotterdam - (s.n.), 1997
Testo Monografico

Youngstown Telegram
Youngstown - Samuel McClure
Pubblicazione Periodica

Your Spirit, Lord, fills the earth - official catechetical text in preparation for the Holy Year 2000 / prepared by the Theological-Historical Commission for the Great Jubilee of the year 2000
Nairobi - Paulines Publications Africa, 1997
Testo Monografico

Youth & society
Newbury Park etc. - Sage
Pubblicazione Periodica

Youth Aliyah newsline
Jerusalem - Jewish Agency for Israel, 1993
Pubblicazione Periodica

Youth and history - a comparative European survey on historical consciousness and political attitudes among adolescents / Magne Angvik and Bodo von Borries (eds.) ; organization and layout Andreas Korber
Hamburg - Korber-Stiftung, 1997
Testo Monografico