Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2000 (4 di 6)

Pagina nr. 2311 di 4667       

Blackwood, Richard
1234 get with the wicked / Richard Blackwood
(Londra - EastWest, (2000
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Bladon, Rachel
Grammar / Rachel Bladon ; designed by Isaac Quaye ; ilustrated by Kevin Faerber ; editet by Nicole Irving
London - Usborne, c2000
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Blady, Syusy
Quel poco che abbiamo capito del mondo facendo i turisti per caso / Syusy Blady e Patrizio Roversi
Torino - Einaudi, 2000
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Blaeu, Joan (1. ; 1632-1673)
Gran atlas - silo XVII / Johannes Blaeu
Madrid - LIBSA, 2000
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Blagho, Carlo
Sentieri d'argilla / Carlo Blagho
( Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ) - Editrice Delta 3, 2000
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Blagojevic, Milos
1- Od nastanka prvih država do pocetka srpske nacionalne revolucije / Miloš Blagojevic, Dejan Medakovic ; urednik Cedomir Popov
Novi Sad - Srpska akademija Nauka i Umetnosti (etc. , stampa 2000
Incluso in > Istorija Srpske drzavnosti
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Blahous, Charles P.
Reforming social security for ourselves and our posterity / Charles P. Blahous, 3 ; foreword by senator Alan K. Simpson
Westport (Conn.) ; London - Praeger, 2000
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Blaikie, Norman
Designing social research - the logic of anticipation / Norman Blaikie
Cambridge - Polity, 2000
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Blaine, Bruce Evan
The psychology of diversity - perceiving and experiencing social difference / Bruce Evan Blaine
Mountain View etc. - Mayfield, c2000
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Blair, David E.
Inversion theory and conformal mapping / David E. Blair
Providence - American mathematical society, c2000
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Blair, John
The Anglo-Saxon Age - A very short introduction / John Blair
Oxford - Oxford University Press, 2000
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Blair, Patrick
Botanick essays / Patrick Blair
Naples, Fl. - NewsBank Readex
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Blair, Patrick
Osteographia elephantina - or, A full and exact description of all the bones of an elephant / Patrick Blair
Naples, Fl. - NewsBank Readex
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Blair, Patrick
Pharmaco-botanologia - or, An alphabetical and classical dissertation ... / Patrick Blair
Naples, Fl. - NewsBank Readex
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Blais, André
To vote or not to vote - the merits and limits of rational choice theory / Andre Blais
Pittsburgh - University of Pittburgh press, c2000
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