Pagina nr. 933 di 4666 |
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Extracts from the 'Flying Roll' - Being a series of sermons compiled for the Gentile Churches of all sects and denominations, and addressed to the lost tribes of the House of Israel. Bickley - Eglington, 1957- Testo Monografico Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart Tübingen - Mohr, 1956- Testo Monografico Thérèse - de l'Enfant Jésus (santa) Manuscrits autobiographiques / a cura e con introduzione di François de Sainte-Marie (O.C.D.) Lisieux - Carmel de Lisieux, 1956- Testo Monografico Vaz Ferreira, Carlos Obras Montevideo - Cámara de Representantes de la República Oriental del Uruguay, 1957- Testo Monografico Vives, Juan Luis Obras completas / Juan Luis Vives ; primera traslación castellana integra y directa, comentarios, notas y un ensayo biobibliográfico- Juan Luis Vives, valenciano, por Lorenzo Riber Madrid - Aguilar, 1947- Testo Monografico Engelsk-Svensk ordbok ... Stockholm - Svenska Bokförlaget Norstedt, 1956- Testo Monografico Krahe, Hans Germanische Sprachwissenschaft Berlin - De Gruyter & Co., 1957- Testo Monografico Rabinowitz, Wilson Gerson Aristotle's Proprepticus and the sources of its reconstruction Berkeley ; Los Angeles - University of California Press Testo Monografico Tauli, Walter The structural tendencies of languages / by Valter Tauli Helsinki - Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 1958- Testo Monografico Deutsche Philologie im Aufriss / Herausg. unter Mitarbeit zahlreicher namhafterFachgelehrter von Wolfgang Stammler Berlin ; Bielefeld ; München - Schmidt, 1956- Testo Monografico The Fragments of Attic comedy after Meineke, Bergk and Kock / augmented newly edited with their contexts annotated and completely translated into English verse by John Maxwell Edmonds Leiden - Brill, 1957- Testo Monografico Alexandrescu, Grigore Opere / Gr. Alexandrescu ; editie critica, note, variante si bibliografie de I. Fischer ; Studiu introductiv de Silvian Iosifescu Bucuresti - Editura de Stat pentru Literatura si Arta, 1957- Testo Monografico Paléographie musicale - les principaux manuscrits de chant grégorien, ambrosien, mozarabe, gallican publié en fac-similés phototypiques par les Bénédictins de Solesmes / (sous la dir. de Dom André Mocquereau, dal vol. 13. sous la dir. de Dom Joseph Gajard Solesmes - Abbaye de Solesmes ; (poi Tournais - Desclées et, 1889- Testo Monografico Saxl, Fritz Lectures London - Warburg Institute, 1957 Incluso in > Lectures Testo Monografico Theile, Albert Aussereuropäische Kunst von der Anfängen bis Heute Köln - Seemann, 1956- Testo Monografico |