Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2003 (5 di 6)

Pagina nr. 2028 di 4666       

Lübke, Christian
Regesten zur Geschichte der Slaven an Elbe und Oder - (vom Jahr 900 an) / Christian Lubke
Berlin - Duncker & Humblot, 1985-
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Lüddecke, Dirk
Staat - Mythos - Politik - Überlegungen zum politischen Denken bei Ernst Cassirer / Dirk Lüddecke
Würzburg - Ergon Verlag, 2003
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Lüling, Günter
A challenge to Islam for reformation - the rediscovery and reliable reconstruction of a comprehensive pre-Islamic Christian Hymnal hidden in the Koran under earliest islamic reinterpretations / Gunter Luling
Delhi - Motilal Banarsidass publishers, 2003
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Lüllmann, Heinz
Farmacologia per immagini - atlante tascabile / Heinz Lüllmann, Klaus Mohr ; 171 tavole a colori a cura di Jurgen Wirth
Torino - Centro scientifico editore, 2003
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Lüthy, Michael
Bild und Blick in Manets Malerei / Michel Lüthy
Berlin - Gebr. Mann, ©2003
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M'zah, Dhouha
Alcune caratteristiche sociolinguistiche dell' immigrazione tunisina in Italia / Dhouha M'zah ; rel. Marina Chini
Pavia - Universita degli studi, 2002/2003
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M.A.D (studio di design grafico)
M.A.D. / préfacé par Ken Coupland
Paris - Pyramyd, °2003
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M.C. Escher centennial conference (1998 ; Roma)
M.C. Escher's legacy - a centennial celebration - collection of articles coming from the M.C. Escher centennial conference, Rome 1998 / Doris Schattschneider, Michele Emmer (Editors)
Berlin (etc.) - Springer, c2003
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al-Ma'had al-musiqi al-faransi
Da'irat al-ma'arif al-musiqiyya wa qamus al-ma'had / istaraka fi 'amalihima ta'ifa kubrà min asatidat al-Ma'had al-musiqi al-faransi (...)
Misr - Matba'at Ra'amin ( ), 1927-
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Ma, Laurence J. C.
The chinese diaspora - space, place, mobility, and identity / edited by Laurence J. C. Ma and Carolyn Cartier
Lanham - Rowman & Littlefield publishers, c2003
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Ma, Nancun
Yanshan yehua / Ma Nancun zhu
Beijing - Zuojia chubanshe, 2003
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Ma, Yan
Il diario di Ma Yan / a cura di Pierre Haski
Milano - Sperling & Kupfer, (2003)
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Maag, Georg
Il misterioso viaggio nel Medioevo / Georg Maag ; percorsi didattici a cura di Maria Curto
Torino - Piccoli, stampa 2003
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Maal, Baaba
Baaba Maal - the best of the early years
(London) - Wrasse records, c2002 p2003
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Maalouf, Amin
Les identités meurtrières / Amin Maalouf
Paris - Librairie générale francaise, 2003
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