Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2003 (5 di 6)

Pagina nr. 3671 di 4666       

Puškin, Aleksandr Sergeevic
Skazki / A. S. Puskin ; oformlenie serii A. Efremova ; hudozniki E. Surlapova i S. Podivilov
Moskva - Rosmen, 2003
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Puškin, Aleksandr Sergeevic
Tutte le opere di Aleksandr S. Puskin / traduzioni, introduzioni e note a cura di Ettore Lo Gatto
Milano - Mursia, 1985 -
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Puškin, Aleksandr Sergeevic
Tutte le opere di Aleksŕndr S. Puškin / traduzioni, introduzioni e note a cura di Ettore Lo Gatto
Milano - Mursia, 1986 -
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Pye, Clara
Gli animali del futuro / (testi- Clara Pye ; testi integrativi Anna Claybourne ; introduzione di Alessandro Cecchi Paone)
Novara - Istituto geografico De Agostini, (2003)
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Pye, David
Practical nitriding and ferritic nitrocarburizing / Davide Pye
Materials Park - ASM International, c2003
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Pye, Glennis
3- 40 units of self-study vocabulary exercises - with tests / Glennis Pye
Cambridge - Cambridge University Press, c2003
Incluso in > Vocabulary in practice - with tests / Glennis Pye
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Pye, Glennis
Vocabulary in practice 2 - 30 units self-study vocabulary exercises with tests / Glennys Pye
Cambridge - Cambridge University press, 2003
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Pye, Glennis
Vocabulary in practice 3 - 40 units of self-study vocabulary exercises with tests / Glennis Pye
Cambridge - Cambridge University press, 2003
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Pye, Glennis
Vocabulary in practice 4 - 40 units of self study vocabulary exercises with test / Glennis Pye
Cambridge - Cambridge university press, 2003
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Pye, Michael
La camera degli annegati / Michael Pye ; traduzione di Chiara Gabutti
Milano - Tropea, (2003)
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Pye, Michael
Ladro di vite / Michael Pye ; traduzione di Guido Zurlino
Milano - NET, 2003
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Pye, Peter W.
Floors and flooring - performance, diagnosis, maintenance, repair and the avoidance of defects / P. W. Pye, H. W. Harrison
London - BRE, 2003
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Pyle, Andrew
Malebranche / Andrew Pyle
London ; New York - Routledge, 2003
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Pyle, Dorian
Business modeling and data mining / Dorian Pyle
Amsterdam - Morgan Kaufmann, 2003
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Pylyshyn, Zenon W.
Seeing and visualizing - it's not what you think / Zenon Pylyshyn
Cambridge, Mass. ; London - the MIT Press, c2003
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