Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2005 (6 di 6)

Pagina nr. 1251 di 1533       

Wachtler, Michael
Dolomiti - la grande guerra / Michael Wachtler, Gunther Obwegs
Bolzano - Athesia Spectrum, 2005
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Wachtler, Michael
Die Geschichte der Dolomiten / Michael Wachtler ; unter Mitwirkung von Edith Campei
(Bozen) - Athesia, 2005
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Wachtler, Michael
Prags - Garten Eden / Michael Wachtler ; mit Fotos von Hermann Oberhofer
Innichen - Wachtler, 2005 (Bozen - Athesiadruck)
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Wachtler, Michael
La storia delle Dolomiti / Michael Wachtler ; con la collaborazione di Edith Campei
(Bolzano) - Athesia spectrum, 2005
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Wachtler, Michael
Uomini in guerra - la Grande Guerra tra i monti / Michael Wachtler
(Bolzano) - Athesia spectrum, 2005
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Wacker, Wilhelm H.
Lexikon der Steuern - Uber 1000 Stichworter fur Praxis und Studium / von Wilhelm H. Wacker und Sabine Seibold und Markus Oblau
Munchen - dtv - Beck, c2005
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Wackermann, Gabriel
Geographie du developpement / Gabriel Wackermann
Paris - Ellipses, 2005
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Wackernagel, Jacob
Altindische Grammatik / von Jacob Wackernagel
Gottingen Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1896-
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Wacks, Raymond
Understanding jurisprudence - an introduction to legal theory / Raymond Wacks
Oxford - Oxford university press, 2005
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Wackwitz, Stephan
Ein unsichtbares Land - Familienroman / Stephan Wackwitz
Frankfurt am Main - Fischer Taschenbuch, 2005
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Wada, Emi
My life in the making / creative director and art director Joel Chu
New York - communion w limited, 2005
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Waddell, Martin
Can't you sleep, little Bear / Martin Waddell ; illustrated by Barbara Firth
London - Walker Books, 2005
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Waddell, Martin
Milly Bean, jungle queen - first story jigsaw book / Martin Waddell and Ana Martin LarraƱaga
London - Walker books, 2005
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Waddell, Patricia
On skazal net / Patricija Uoddel
Moskva - AST - Tranzitkniga, 2005
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Waddell, Steve
Societal learning and change - how governments, business and civil society are creating solutions to complex multi-stakeholder problems / Steve Waddell
Sheffield - Greenleaf publishing, c2005
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