Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2005 (6 di 6)

Pagina nr. 1395 di 1533       

Worldwatch institute
Vital signs 2005-2006 - the trends that are shaping our future / Worldwatch institute
London ; Sterling - Earthscan, 2005
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Worlen, Rainer
Arbeitsrecht / von Rainer Worlen und Alex Kokemoor
Koln (etc.) - Carl Heymanns, 2005
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Worley, Alec
Empires of the imagination - a critical survey of fantasy cinema from Georges Melies to The lord of the rings / Alec Worley ; foreword by Brian Sibley
Jefferson, N.C. - McFarland, 2005
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Worley, Matthew
Labour Inside the Gate - A History of the British Labour Party between the Wars / Matthew Worley
London New York - I.B. Tauris, 2005
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Worm, Ole (1588-1654)
Medicarum institutionum libri primi - secundi ... Ab Olao Worm D. medicinæ professore P. ..
Hafniae - typis Salomonis Sartorii, 1636-1639
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Wormald, Jenny
Scotland - a history / edited by Jenny Wormald
Oxford ; New York - Oxford University Press, 2005
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Wormell, Christopher
The sea monster / Cris Wormell
London - Jonathan Cape, (2005)
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Wormell, Christopher
The wild girl / Chris Wormell
London - Jonathan Cape, (2005)
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Wormser, Gérard
Sartre - una sintesi / Gérard Wormser ; (traduzione di Chiara Pasquini ; cura di Gabriella Farina)
Milano - C. Marinotti, (2005)
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Woronov, Mary
Snake / Mary Woronov ; traduzione di Giuliana Zeuli
Padova - Meridiano zero, (2005)
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Worth, Alexi
Davide Cantoni / (testi Alexi Worth, Roberto Borghi)
Torino -, 2005
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Worthen, John
D. H. Lawrence - the life of an outsider / John Worthen
London - Allen Lane, 2005
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Worthington, Heather
The rise of the detective in early ninenteenth-century popular fiction / Heather Worthington
Basingstocke ; New York - Palgrave Macmillan, 2005
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Worthington, Ian
Economics for business - blending theory and practice / Ian Worthington, Chris Britton, Andy Rees
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Wortmann, Florian
Die Vererblichkeit vermogensrechtlicher Bestandteile des Persönlichkeitsrechts / von Florian Wortmann
Berlin - Duncker & Humblot, 2005
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