Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2007 (5 di 6)

Pagina nr. 3928 di 4666       

O'Farrell, Maggie
The vanishing act of Esme Lennox / Maggie O'Farrell
London - Headline review, 2007
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O'Flynn, Catherine
What was lost / Catherine O'Flynn
Birmingham - Tindal Street press, 2007
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O'Gorman, Marcel
E-crit - digital media, critical theory and the humanities / Marcel O'Gorman
Toronto ; Buffalo ; London - University of Toronto Press, 2007
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O'Grady, Desmond
The Sibyl, the saint & the shepherd - (the spirit and the trails of three national parks - Monti Sibillini, Gran Sasso e Monti della LAga, Majella) / by Desmond O'Grady
Blera (Vt) - Società italiana del cavallo e dell'ambiente onlus, 2007
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O'Guilin, Peadar
La trilogia delle ossa - l' inferiore / Peadar O'Guilin ; traduzione di Patrizia Rossi
Milano - Fabbri, 2007
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O'Hara Slavick, Elin
Bomb after bomb - a violent cartography / Elin O'Hara Slavick ; foreword by Howard Zinn ; essay by Carol Mavor ; interview by Catherine Lutz
Milano - Charta, (2007)
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O'Hara, James J.
Inconsistency in roman epic - studies in Catullus, Lucretius, Vergil, Ovid and Lucan / James J. O'Hara
Cambridge - Cambridge University Press, 2007
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O'Hara, Kieron
After Blair - David Cameron and the conservative tradition / Kieron O'Hara
Cambridge - Icon Books, 2007
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O'Hare, John
Civil litigation / by John O'Hare, Kevin Browne
London - Sweet & Maxwell, 2007
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O'Kane, Rosemary H. T.
Terrorism / Rosemary H.T. O'Kane
Harlow (etc.) - Pearson Longman, c2007
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O'Keefe, Patrick Joseph
Commentary on the UNESCO 1970 Convention on the means of prohibiting and preventing the illicit import, export and transfer of ownership of cultural property / by Patrick J. O'Keefe
Powys - Institute of Art and Law, ©2007
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O'Keeffe, Anne
From corpus to classroom - language use and language teaching / Anne O'Keeffe, Michael McCarthy & Ronald Carter
Cambridge (etc.) - Cambridge University Press, 2007
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O'Kelly, Emma
Conversions / Emma O'Kelly and Corinna Dean
London - King, 2007
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O'Leary, Alan
Tragedia all'italiana - cinema e terrorismo tra Moro e memoria / Alan O'Leary ; traduzione di Lucia Angelica Salaris
Tissi - Angelica, 2007
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O'Leary, Don
Roman Catholicism and Modern Science - A History / Don O'Leary
New York; London - Continuum, 2007
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