seguito African - Africano
[pagina inizio voce]
2- edited by Euan Blauvelt and Jennifer Durlacher
Farnborough - Gower, 1982
Incluso in > Sources of african and middle-eastern economic information / edited by Euan Blauvelt and Jennifer Durlacher
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2- F-Q
Oxford - Oxford university press, 2006
Incluso in > Encyclopedia of African American History, 1619-1895 - from the colonial period to the age of Frederick Douglass (1619-1895) / editor Paul Finkelman
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2- G-L
London - Centre for African studies, School of oriental and African studies, (1972?)
Incluso in > Manding - focus on an African civilisation - International conference on Manding studies - University of London, School of oriental and African studies, 30 June-3 July 1972
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2- Gecaga-Mzozoyana / compiled by Victor Herrero Mediavilla
Incluso in > African biographical index / compiled by Victor Herrero Mediavilla
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2- Geotechnics in the African environment
Rotterdam;Brookfield - Balkema, 1991
Incluso in > Geotechnics in the African environment - proceedingsof the tenth regional conference on soil mechanics and foundation engineering and the third international conference on tropical and residual soil...
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2- H-O
New York ; London - Fitzroy Dearborn, 2005
Incluso in > Encyclopedia of African history / Kevin Shillington, editor
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2- Inspectiones 4. 5. 6. 7. 8
Incluso in > Divus Paulus Apostolus e Melita Illyricana in africanam quondam nunc vero S. Joannis Hierosolymitani equitum feliciter redux, sive Anticriticarum inspectionum ... abbatis Ignatii Georgii ... amica in...
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2- June Jordan to Richard Wright
New York - Charles Scribner'Sons, c2001
Incluso in > African American writers/ Valerie Smith, editor-in-chief
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2- Liege - UIESP, 1988
Incluso in > African population conference - Dakar, Senegal, November/Novembre 7-12, 1988 / International Union for the Scientific Study of Population
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2- M-Z / Sam G. Riley
Westport ; London - Greenwood Press, 2007
Incluso in > African Americans in the media today - an encyclopedia / Sam G. Riley
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2- Manuscripts 3.d.30-48.b.4-5
Salzburg - Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik , Universität Salzburg, 2002
Incluso in > The medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the Grey collection of the National library of South Africa, Cape Town / compiled and edited by Carol Steyn
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2- Population in african development / edited by Pierre Cantrelle ... (ed altri)
Dolhhain - Ordina editions, (1974 )
Incluso in > Population in African development / edited by Pierre Cantrelle ... et al.
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2- S-X, essays
Santa Barbara (etc.) - ABC Clio, c2009
Incluso in > African American religious cultures / Anthony B. Pinn, general editor ; Stephen C. Finley, associate editor ; Torin Alexander ... (ed altri , assistant editor
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2- S-Z and primary documents
Westport, Conn. °etc. - Greenwood Press, ©2003
Incluso in > The Greenwood encyclopedia of African American civil rights - from emancipation to the twenty-first century / Charles D. Lowery and John F. Marszalek editors ; Thomas Adams Upchurch, associated edi...
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2A - Insectivores and bats / Jonathan Kingdon
Chicago - University of Chicago press, 1984
Incluso in > East african mammals - an atlas of evolution in Africa / Jonathan Kingdom
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