Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: America (A-CAN)

Pagina nr. 1402 di 5334       

The case of the United States, laid before the Tribunal of Arbitration, convened at Geneva under the provisions of the treaty between the United States of America and Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain, concluded at Washington, May 8, 1871
Leipzig - Brockhaus, 1872
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The case of the United States, to be laid before the Tribunal of Arbitration - to be convened at Geneva under the provisions of the treaty between the United States of America and Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain, concluded at Washington, May 8, 1871
Washington - Government printing office, 1871
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Case presented on the part of the government of Her Britannic Majesty to the Tribunal of Arbitration constituted under article 1 of the treaty concluded at Washington on the 8th May, 1871, between Her Britannic Majesty and the United States of America
(London - s.n., 1872
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Case reports - the front line in exotic medicine / Robert J. T. Doneley, guest editor
Philadelphia (etc.) - Saunders, 2006
Incluso in > The veterinary clinics of north America. Exotic animal practice
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(2)- Case studies
Incluso in > Exporting democracy - the United States and Latin America / edited by Abraham F. Lowenthal
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Case studies in diversity - refugees in America in the 1990s / Edited by David W. Haines
Westport, Connecticut ; London - Praeger, c1997
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Case studies in equal pay for women
U.S. Government Printing Office, 1951
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Case studies in Latin American political economy / edited by Julia Buxton and Nicola Phillips
Manchester (England) ; New York - Manchester University Press ; New York, NY, USA - (Distributed exclusively in the USA by St. Martin's Press), 1999
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Case studies in neurology, part 1 / Randolph W. Evans guest editor
Philadelphia (PA) (etc.) - W. B. Saunders, (©2003
Incluso in > The medical clinics of North America
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Case studies in neurology, part 2 / Randolph W. Evans guest editors
Philadelphia (PA) (etc. - W. B. Saunders, (c2003
Incluso in > The medical clinics of North America
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8- Case studies in water loss management
Queensland - EPA, Wide Bay Water, c2002
Incluso in > Managing and reducing losses from water distribution systems
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Case studies of modified disinfection practices for trihalomethane control / prepared by Dennis B. George ... (ed altri)
Denver, CO - AWWARF - AWWA, c1990
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Case studies of modified treatment practices for disinfection by-product control / prepared by Stuart W. Krasner ... (ed altri)
Denver, CO - AWWARF, c2003
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Casebook on ethical principles of psychologists
Washington, DC - American Psychological Association, c1987
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Caselli's Italo American Business Directory - (Annuario commerciale italo-americano)- A publication devoted to the development of business relations between Italy and the United States / U.Piola Caselli, editor and proprietor. Florence, 5, Via Tornabuoni
Firenze - Tip. E. Bianchi, 1905
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