Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: America (A-CAN)

Pagina nr. 1405 di 5334       

Castelao - as cartas de América - documentacion e fotografia
Vigo - Promocion culturais galegas, 1990
Incluso in > A nosa terra. A nosa cultura
Testo Monografico

2- Il castello dei sogni / Americo Scarlatti
Torino - Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese, 1941
Incluso in > Et ab hic et ab hoc / Americo Scarlatti
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Castilla y Leon en America - cartografia historica / editor- Domingo Sanchez Zurro ; textos- Demetrio Ramos Perez ... ed altri
Valladolid - Junta de Castilla y Leon, Consejeria de medio ambiente y ordenacion del territorio, 1991
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15- Casting / D. M. Stefanescu ... ed altri
, Metals park - ASM international 1988
Incluso in > Metals handbook / prepared under the direction of the ASM handbook commitee
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Casting defects hanbook
Des Plaines - American foundrymen's society, ©1972
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Casting design handbook / prepared from the contributions of 18 committees ; sponsored by the United States Air Force and the American Society for Metals
Metals Park, Ohio - American Society for Metals, ©1962
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La castità fa male - ciò che dicono i medici inglesi ed americani / inchiesta della The social purity alliance
Roma - Edizioni di Vita, 1911
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1- Catalan, italian, portuguese and brazilian, provençal, rumanian, spanish and spanish american
Incluso in > 3- The romance literatures / Editors G. B. Parks and R. Z. Temple.
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Catalans a America - en el segon centenari de la mort de Gaspar de Portolà (1786) i el primer de la fundació del Centre català de Buenos Aires - nadal del 1986
(Barcellona) - Fundació Jaume 1., 1986
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Catalog and price list of Standard materials / issued by the National Bureau of Standards
Washington - N.B.S., 1965
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Catalog and price list of Standard materials / issued by the National Bureau of Standards
Washington - National Bureau of Standards, 1967
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The catalog for the AAUP Book Show - an awareness of quality,1965
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ) - (S.n), 1965
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Catalog of A.L.A. library_ - 5000 volumes for a popular library / selected by the American Library Association
Washington - Government Printing Office, 1893
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Catalog of american law books in Rome, Italy / prepared by the legal adviser of the American Embassy, Rome, and his staff, in conjunction with the United States Information Service in Italy
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n.), 1951
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A catalog of american music in the USIS library Rome- september 1948
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n.), 1948
Testo Monografico