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Pagina nr. 3953 di 5334 |
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Amsterdam - Elsevier, 2010 Incluso in > Methods in cell biology Testo Monografico The Zebrafish - cellular and developmental biology. Part B / edited by H. William Detrich 3., Monte Westerfield, Leonard I. Zon Amsterdam - Elsevier, 2011 Incluso in > Methods in cell biology Testo Monografico The zebrafish - disease models and chemical screens / edited by H. William Detrich 3., Monte Westerfield, Leonard I. Zon Waltham, MA (etc.) - Elsevier Academic press, 2011 Incluso in > Methods in cell biology Testo Monografico 60- The zebrafish - genetics and genomics / edited by H. William Detrich, 3., Monte Westerfield, Leonard I. Zon San Diego etc. - Academic press, 1999 Incluso in > Methods in cell biology / edited by David M. Prescott Testo Monografico The zebrafish - genetics, genomics and informatics / edited by H. William Detrich 3., Monte Westerfield, Leonard I. Zon Waltham, MA (etc.) - Elsevier Academic press, 2011 Incluso in > Methods in cell biology Testo Monografico 76- The zebrafish- cellular and development biology / edited by H. William Detrich 3., Monte Westerfield, Leonard I. Zon Amsterdam (etc.) - Elsevier Academy press, c2004 Incluso in > Methods in cell biology / edited by David M. Prescott Testo Monografico The zebrafish- cellular and development biology / edited by H. William Detrich 3., Monte Westerfield, Leonard I. Zon Amsterdam (etc.) - Elsevier Academy press, c2004 Incluso in > Methods in cell biology Testo Monografico 77- The Zebrafish- genetics, genomics, and informatics / edited by H.William Dietrich III, Monte Westerfield, Leonard I. Zon Amsterdam - Elsevier Academic press, c2004 Incluso in > Methods in cell biology / edited by David M. Prescott Testo Monografico The zebrafish- genetics, genomics, and informatics / edited by H.William Dietrich III, Monte Westerfield, Leonard I. Zon Amsterdam - Elsevier Academic press, c2004 Incluso in > Methods in cell biology Testo Monografico Zen in American life and letters / edited by Robert S. Ellwood Malibu - Undena publications, 1987 Testo Monografico Zeolite Synthesis - developed from a symposium sponsored by the division of colloid and surface chemistry at the 196th national meeting of the American chemical society, Los Angeles, California, september 25-30. 1988 / (editors) Mario L. Occelli ; Harry E. Robson Washington - American chemical society, 1989 Testo Monografico The Zephyr book of american prose / edited by Ebba Dalin ; introduction by Ebba Dalin Stockholm ; London - The continental book, 1945 Testo Monografico The Zephyr book of american verse / edited by Ebba Dalin ; introtuction by Frederic Prokosch Stockholm ; London - The continental book, 1945 Testo Monografico Zero 2 - le pistole fumanti che dimostrano che la versione ufficiale sull'11/9 è un falso / a cura di Giulietto Chiesa ; con la collaborazione di Roberto Vignoli ; con i contributi di Gore Vidal ... (ed altri Milano - Piemme, 2011 Testo Monografico Zero - inchiesta sull'11 settembre / da un inchiesta di Giulietto Chiesa ; il film evento con Dario Fo, Lella Costa, Moni Ovadia, Gore Vital Casale Monferrato - Piemme, (2008 Saggio Monografico Multimediale |