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Annotated bibliographies of mineral deposits in the western hemisphere / °by John D. Ridge Boulder, Colorado - Geological Society of America, 1972 Incluso in > Memoir / Geological Society of America Testo Monografico Ridge, John Drew Papers on mineral deposits of Western North America - proceeding (of) the International association on the genesis of ore deposits, 5. quadrennial symposium / edited by John Drew Ridge Reno - University of Nevada Testo Monografico Ridgely, Robert S. The birds of South America / by Robert S. Ridgely and Guy Tudor Oxford etc. - Oxford university press, 1989- Testo Monografico Ridgely, Robert S. A guide to the birds of Panama - with Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Honduras / by Robert S. Ridgely and John A Gwynne, jr Princeton, N. J. ; Princeton university press, c1989 Testo Monografico Ridgely, Robert S. 1- The oscine Passerines - jays and swallows, wrens, thrushes, and allies, vireos and wood-warblers, tanagers, icterids, and finches / by Robert S. Ridgely and Guy Tudor ; with the collaboration of William L. Brown ; in association with World wildlife fund Oxford ; Tokyo - Oxford university press, 1989 Incluso in > The birds of South America / by Robert S. Ridgely and Guy Tudor Testo Monografico Ridgely, Robert S. 2- The suboscine Passerines - ovenbirds and woodcreepers, typical and ground antbirds, gnateaters and tapaculos, tyrant flycatchers, cotingas and manakins / by Robert S. Ridgely and Guy Tudor ; in association with the Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia Oxford ; Tokyo - Oxford university press, 1994 Incluso in > The birds of South America / by Robert S. Ridgely and Guy Tudor Testo Monografico Ridgeway, Rick The last step - the American Ascent of K2 / Rick Ridgeway Seattle - The Mountaineers, 2001 Testo Monografico Ridgway, Harry F. Biological fouling of separation membranes used in water treatment applications / prepared by Harry F. Ridgway Denver, Co - AWWA Research Foundation, c2003 Testo Monografico Ridgway, Matthew Bunker No grounds for complacency - an address before American Council on Nato, Mai 21, 1953 / Matthew B. Ridgway New York - America Council on Nato, 1953 Testo Monografico Ridgway, Rick Tipi come noi / Rick Ridgway ; traduzione di Luigi Schenoni Milano - Feltrinelli, 1996 Testo Monografico Ridgway, Robert (1850-1929) The birds of north and middle America - a descriptive catalogue of the higher groups, genera, species and subspecies of birds known to occur in North America, from the arctic lands to the Isthmus of Panama, the west Indies and other islands of the Carabbean Sea and the Galapagos Archipelago / Robert Rigdway (continuato da Herbert Friedmann) Washington - Government printing office, 1901- Testo Monografico Ridgway, Robert (1850-1929) 7- Family Cuculidae, Family Psittacidae, Familiy Columbidae / by Robert Ridgway Washington - Government Printing Office, 1916 Incluso in > The birds of north and middle America - a descriptive catalogue of the higher groups, genera, species and subspecies of birds known to occur in North America, from the arctic lands to the Isthmus o... Testo Monografico Ridgway, Robert (1850-1929) 8- Family Jacanidae - the jacanas, Family Oedicnemidae - the thick-kness, Family Haemotopodidae - the oyster-catchers ... / by Robert Ridgway Washington - Government Printing Office, 1919 Incluso in > The birds of north and middle America - a descriptive catalogue of the higher groups, genera, species and subspecies of birds known to occur in North America, from the arctic lands to the Isthmus o... Testo Monografico Ridgway, Robert (1850-1929) 6- Family Picidae - the woodpeckers, Family Capitonidae - the barbets, Family Ramphastidae - the toucans ... / by Robert Ridgway Washington - Government printing office, 1914 Incluso in > The birds of north and middle America - a descriptive catalogue of the higher groups, genera, species and subspecies of birds known to occur in North America, from the arctic lands to the Isthmus o... Testo Monografico Riding, Laura A selection of the poems of Laura Riding / edited with an introduction by Robert Nye Manchester - Carcanet, 1994 Testo Monografico |