Elliott, John Huxtable
Imperi dell'Atlantico - America britannica e America spagnola, 1492-1830 / John H. Elliott
Torino - Einaudi, 2010
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Elliott, John Huxtable
Il vecchio e il nuovo mondo - 1492-1650 / John H. Elliott
Milano - Il saggiatore, 1985
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Elliott, Margaret
Earnings of women in business and the professions / by Margaret Elliott and Grace E. Manson
Ann Arbor - University of Michigan, School of business administration, Bureau of business research, 1930
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Elliott, Peter
American destroyer escorts of world war 2 / Peter Elliott
London - Almark Publishing, 1974
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Ellis, Chris
United States warship camouflage, 1939-1945 / by Chris Ellis ; drawings by Wendy Smith
Henley - Kristall Productions, 1975
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Ellis, Ethan
Frank B. Kellogg and American Foreign Relations, 1925-1929 / by L. Ethan Ellis
New Brunswick (N.J.) - Rutgers University press, c1961
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Ellis, John Tracy
American catholicism / by John Tracy Ellis
Chicago - University of Chicago press, c1956
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Ellis, Joseph J.
Founding brothers - the revolutionary generation / Joseph J. Ellis
New York - Knopf, 2001
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Ellis, Lewis Ethan
A short history of American diplomacy
New York - Harper & Brothers, ?1951?
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Ellis, Richard J.
The dark side of the left - illiberal egalitarianism in America / Richard J. Ellis
Lawrence - University press of Kansas, 1998
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Ellis, Robert B.
See Naples and die - a World War 2. memoir of a United States Army sky trooper in the mountains of Italy / Robert B. Ellis
Jefferson ; London, 1998
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Ellis, William W.
White ethics and black power - the emergence of the West Side Organization / William Ellis
Chicago - Aldine Publ. Co., 1969
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Ellison, Ralph
Shadow and act / by Ralph Ellison
New York - Random House, c1964
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Ellwood, David T.
Poor support - poverty in the American family / David T. Ellwood
New York - Basic Books, c1988
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Ellwood, David W.
L' Europa ricostruita - politica ed economia tra Stati Uniti ed Europa occidentale, 1945-1955 / David W. Ellwood
Bologna - Il Mulino, (1994)
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