(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Animali |
Pagina nr. 154 di 2524 |
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Milano - Editoriale Giorgio Mondadori - Starlight, 1989 Audiovisivo Acta agriculturae scandinavica - official journal of the Royal Swedish academy of agriculture and forestry (KSLA), the Scandinavian association of agricultural scientists (NJF) . Section A, animal science Copenhagen - Munksgaard international publishers ; poi Oslo etc. - Scandinavian university press, c1992- Pubblicazione Periodica Acta zoologica Academiae scientiarum hungaricae - an international journal of animal taxonomy and ecology. v. 40(1994)- Budapest - Hungarian Natural History Museum, 1994- Pubblicazione Periodica Actes du colloque Tetras lyre - Liege, 26-29 septembre 2000 - the *Fate of black grouse (Tetrao tetrix) in European moors and heathlands Liege - Institut de zoologie de l'universite de Liege, (2001?) Incluso in > Cahiers d'ethologie - fondamentale et appliquee, animale et humaine Testo Monografico The actinomycins and their importance in the treatment of tumors in animals and man / conference chairman and consulting editor Selman A. Waksman New York - The New York Academy of Sciences, 1960 Testo Monografico The actinomycins and their importance in the treatment of tumors in animals and man / conference chairman and consulting editor Selman A. Waksman ; editor Franklin N. Furness New York - New York Academy of Sciences, 1960 Incluso in > Annals of the New York academy of sciences Testo Monografico 2- Action of light on animals and microorganisms; photobiochemical mechanisms; Bioluminescence / edited by Arthur C. Giese New York and London - Academic press, 1964 Incluso in > Photophysiology / edited by Arthur C. Giese Testo Monografico Actions du climat sur l'animal au paturage - seminaire, Theix, 31 mars-1er avril 1982 / Commission Agrometeorologie Paris - Institut national de la recherche agronomique, c1982 Testo Monografico Activity report ... / Stazione zoologica Anton Dohrn, Napoli Napoli - Stazione zoologica Anton Dohrn Pubblicazione Periodica Actualites et perspectives economiques du secteur alimentation animale - Journee Nationale organisee par l'I.T.A.V.I - mardi 19 novembre, 1985 (France - s. n, 1985 ) Testo Monografico 1- Acute toxicities of solids, liquids and gases to laboratory animals / William S. Spector editor ; prepared under the direction of the committee on the handbook of biological data Division of biology and agriculture, National academy f sciences, National research council Philadelphia and London - W. B. Saunders Co., c1956 Incluso in > Handbook of toxicology / edited by William S. Spector ; prepared under the direction of the committee on the handbook of biological data Division of biology and agriculture, National academy of scien... Testo Monografico Adagio - music for relaxation Germany - Philips Classics, (2001) Registrazione audio Adaptacao e desenvolvimento do arado de aiveca a tracao animal "Tamandua-IAPAR" / Rui Casao Junior ... ed altri Londrina (PR) - Fundacao Instituto agronomico do Parana, 1988 Incluso in > Circular / IAPAR Fundacao Instituto agronomico do Parana Testo Monografico Adaptacija ptic i mlekopitajušcih k antropogennomu landšaftu / (redakcionnaja kollegija- Ju. V. Averin ... ed altri) Kišinev - Štiinca, 1988 Testo Monografico Adaptation of domestic animals / Edited by E. S. E. Hafez Philadelphia - Lea & Febiger, 1968 Testo Monografico |