(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Animali |
Pagina nr. 1616 di 2524 |
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The argument from animals to men - an examination of its validity for anthropology / J.B.S. Haldane London - Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 1956 Incluso in > The journal of the Royal anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland Testo Monografico Halden, Johann Baptist Vivarium philosophicum hoc est- Problemata quaedam zoographica de brutis, ex historia animalium selecta, et praeside P. Joan. Bapt. Halden e soc. Jesu, ... proposita a ... Josepho Cajetano Gäzin ... 1684 , 1684 Testo Monografico Hales, Stephen (1677-1761) Emastatica o sia Statica degli animali esperienze idrauliche fatte sugli animali viventi dal signor Stefano Hales della Societa regale delle scienze, ministro di Teddington nel contado di Midlesex, e rettore di Faringdon. Tradotta dall'inglese nel franzese, e commentata dal signor Francesco Boissier de Sauvages ... E dal franzese nell'italiano idioma trasportata, e parimente comentata dalla sig. M.A.A Napoli - a spese e presso Gaetano Castellano, 1776 Testo Monografico Hales, Stephen (1677-1761) Emastatica, o sia Statica degli animali- esperienze idrauliche fatte sugli animali viventi dal dottor Hales della Societa reale ec. tradotte prima in francese, e commentate dal signor de Sauvages regio professore di medicina in Mompellier ec. aggiuntevi alcune esperienze sopra i calcoli, e due dissertazioni intorno all'infiammazione, e alla febbre, e trasportate nell'italiano idioma In Napoli, 1756 Testo Monografico Hales, Stephen (1677-1761) Emastatica, o sia Statica degli animali- esperienze idrauliche fatte sugli animali viventi dal signor Hales, ... tradotta dall'inglese nel franzese, e commentata dal signor De Sauvages, ... e dal franzese nuovamente trasportata nell'italiano idioma. Volume primo (-secondo) In Napoli - presso Giuseppe Raimondi, 1750-1752 Testo Monografico Hales, Stephen (1677-1761) 2- Esperienze, ed osservazioni di Stefano Hales intorno a' calcoli, che si trovano nella vescica, e ne' reni; con due mediche dissertazioni aggiuntevi dal sig. De Sauvages intorno alla teorica dell'infiammazione, e della febbre; tradotte nell'italiano idioma In Napoli - presso Giuseppe Raimondi, 1752 Incluso in > Emastatica, o sia Statica degli animali- esperienze idrauliche fatte sugli animali viventi dal signor Hales, ... tradotta dall'inglese nel franzese, e commentata dal signor De Sauvages, ... e dal fra... Testo Monografico Hales, Stephen (1677-1761) Philosophical experiments- containing useful, and necessary instructions for such as undertake long voyages at sea. Shewing how sea-water may be made fresh and how fresh-water may be preserv'd sweet. How biscuit corn, etc. may be secured from the weevel ... And flesh preserv'd in hot climates, by salting animals whole. To which is added, an account of several experiments and observations on chalybeate or steel-waters ... Likewise a proposal for cleansing away mud, etc. out of rivers ... Which were read before the Royal Society, at several of their meetings, by Stephen Hales .. London - printed for W. Innys and R. Manby ... (etc.), 1739 Testo Monografico Hales, Stephen (1677-1761) 2- Statical essays- containing haemastaticks; or, An Account of some Hydraulick and Hydrostatical Experiments made on the Blood and Blood-Vessels of Animals. Also An Account of some Experiments on Stones in the Kidneys and Bladder; with an Enquiry into the Nature of those anomalous Concretions. To which is added, An Appendix, containing Observations and Experiments relating to several Subjects in the first Volume. The greatest Part of which were read at several Meetings before the Royal Society. With an Index to both Volumes. By Stephen Hales.. London - Printed for W. Innys and R. Manby, at the West-End of St. Paul's; And T. Woodward, at the Half Moon between the Temple-Gates, Fleetstret, 1733 Testo Monografico Hales, Stephen (1677-1761) Statical essays- containing hæmastatics; or, an account of some hydraulic and hydrostatical experiments made on the blood and blood-vessels of animals. Also an account of some experiments on stones in the kidneys and bladder; ... To which is added, an appendix, ... With an index to both volumes ... By Sthephen Hales D.D.F.R.S. .. London - printed for W. Innys and R. Manby, at the West End of St. Paul's and T. Woodward, at the Half Moon between the Temple Gates, Fleet street, 1740 Incluso in > Statical essays- containing vegetable staticks; or, an account of some statical experiments on the sap in vegetables. Being an essay towards a natural history of vegetation- ... Also a specimen of an... Testo Monografico Hall, A.D. The Feeding of Crops and Stock - An Introduction to the ?Science of the Nutrition of Plants and Animals / A.D.Hall London - John Murray , 1911 Testo Monografico Hall, Fae Field animals / written by Fae Hall ; illustrated by John Roberts (Harmondsworth) - Penguin books,, s.d. Testo Monografico Hall, Harold Thomas Barnes Diseases and parasites of livestock in the tropics / H.T.B. Hall London ; New York - Longman, 1985 Testo Monografico Hall, John Charles Interesting facts connected with the animal kingdom / John Charles Hall Naples, Fl. - NewsBank Readex Testo Monografico Hall, John Michael La production animale en Algérie - thèse pour le doctorat vétérinaire ... / par John Michael Hall Alfort - Au Manuscrit, 1967 Testo Monografico Hall, Maurice C. Control of animal parasites - general principles and their application / by Maurice C. Hall Evanston, Illinois - The north american veterinarian, c1936 Testo Monografico |