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Argomento: Architettura

Pagina nr. 5480 di 5554       

Wright, Frank Lloyd (1867-1959)
9- Preliminary studies 1889-1916
Tokyo - ADA Edita, c1985
Incluso in > Frank Lloyd Wright / edited and photographed by Yukio Futagawa ; text by Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer
Testo Monografico

Wright, Frank Lloyd (1867-1959)
10- Preliminary studies 1917-1932
Tokyo - ADA Edita, c1986
Incluso in > Frank Lloyd Wright / edited and photographed by Yukio Futagawa ; text by Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer
Testo Monografico

Wright, Frank Lloyd (1867-1959)
11- Preliminary studies 1933-1959
Tokyo - ADA Edita, c1987
Incluso in > Frank Lloyd Wright / edited and photographed by Yukio Futagawa ; text by Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer
Testo Monografico

Wright, Frank Lloyd (1867-1959)
Price tower di Bartlesville / Frank Lloyd Wright
Incluso in > L' arca - la rivista internazionale di architettura, design e comunicazione visiva = the international magazine of architecture, design and visual communication
Testo a stampa

Wright, Frank Lloyd (1867-1959)
The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum / Frank Lloyd Wright
New York - The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation ; New York - Horizon Press, 1960
Testo Monografico

Wright, Frank Lloyd (1867-1959)
The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum New York / Frank Lloyd Wright architect
NewYork - Solomon R Guggenheim Foundation, 1975
Testo Monografico

Wright, Frank Lloyd (1867-1959)
The story of the tower - the tree that escaped the crowded forest / Frank Lloyd Wright
New York - Horizon, 1956
Testo Monografico

Wright, Frank Lloyd (1867-1959)
Studies and executed buildings / by Frank Lloyd Wright
Palos Park - the Prairie School press, 1975
Testo Monografico

Wright, Frank Lloyd (1867-1959)
A testament / Frank Lloyd Wright
New York - Horizon, 1957
Testo Monografico

Wright, Frank Lloyd (1867-1959)
A testament / Frank Lloyd Wright
London - The architectural press, c1957
Testo Monografico

Wright, Frank Lloyd (1867-1959)
Testamento / Frank Lloyd Wright
Torino - Einaudi, stampa 1963
Testo Monografico

Wright, Frank Lloyd (1867-1959)
Testamento / Frank Lloyd Wright
Torino - Einaudi, 1973
Testo Monografico

Wright, Frank Lloyd (1867-1959)
Truth against the world - Frank Lloyd Wright speaks for an organic architecture / edited with introductions by Patrick J. Meehan
New York - Wiley, c1987
Testo Monografico

Wright, Frank Lloyd (1867-1959)
Truth against the World - Frank LLoyd Wright speaks for an organic architecture / Patrick J. Meehan editor
New York - Preservation Press, c1992
Testo Monografico

Wright, Frank Lloyd (1867-1959)
Visions of Wright / introduction by Terence Riley ; photographs by Farrell Grehan, with excerpts from the writings of Frank Lloyd Wright
Boston etc. - Bulfinch, c1997
Testo Monografico