(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Astronomia |
Pagina nr. 371 di 1067 |
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La ruota del tempo o sieno i pianeti in corso calcolati per il polo 41. m. 50. di Roma, che posson servire per tuttal'Italia. Discorso astronomico, fisico, medico, storico, critico per l'anno bisestile 1764. Dell'autore incognito Fortunato Astrini con un discorso tra l'astrologo, Talete vecchio, Ormindo, e monna Lucrezia. Ed in fine molte cose curiose per i dilettanti dell'agricoltura, diverse tavole numeriche, li gradi del sole, e della luna, le lunazioni degli ebrei, e la nascita de' principi. .. In Foligno - per Francesco Fofi stampator del Sant'Offizio di Spoleto, 1764 Testo Monografico Astrometric conference (1974 ; Torino) Proceedings of the Astrometric conference - held in connection with the dedication of the 41-inch astrometric reflector of the Observatory of Torino - 1974, May 26-28 Firenze - Tip. Baccini & Chiappi, 1975 Testo Monografico Astronomical Society (Londra) Report of the council of the Astronomical society of London to the fourth annual general meeting, held 14th of february 1824- to which are subjoined the addresses of the president on delivering the honorary medals of the society to the several persons to whom they had been awarded; and a list of the present officers, members, and associates of the society London - printed by Richard Taylor, 1824 Testo Monografico Astronomical Society of the Pacific Astronomical data analysis software and systems 12. - proceedings of a meeting held at Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 13-16 October 2002 / edited by Harry E. Payne, Robert I. Jedrzejewski and Richard N. Hook San Francisco - Astronomical Society of the Pacific, c2003 Testo Monografico Astronomical Society of the Pacific Astronomical data analysis software and systems 13 - proceedings of a meeting held at Strasbourg, France 12-15 October 2003 / edited by Francois Ochsenbein, Mark G. Allen and Daniel Egret San Francisco - Astronomical Society of the Pacific, c2004 Testo Monografico Astronomical Society of the Pacific Astronomical data analysis software and systems 9 - proceedings of a meeting held at the Hilton Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, USA, 3-6 October, 1999 / edited by Nadine Manset, Christian Veillet and Dennis Crabtree San Francisco - Astronomical Society of the Pacific, c2000 Testo Monografico Astronomical Society of the Pacific Astrophysical data analysis software and systems 12. - proceedings of a meeting held at Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 13-16 October 2002 / edited by Harry E. Payne, Robert I. Jedrzejevski and Richard N. Hook San Francisco - Astronomical Society of the Pacific, c2003 Testo Monografico Astronomical Society of the Pacific Asymmetrical planetary nebulae 3. - proceedings of a meeting held at Mt. Rainer, Washington, 28 July-1 August 2003 / edited by Margaret Meixner, Joel H. Kastner, Bruce Balick and Noam Soker San Francisco - Astronomical Society of the Pacific, c2004 Testo Monografico Astronomical Society of the Pacific Bioastronomy '99 - a new era in bioastronomy ; proceedings of a meeting held at the Hapuna Beach Prince Hotel, Kohala Coast, Hawaii, USA, 2-6 August, 1999 / edited by Guillermo A. Lemarchand, Karen J. Meech San Francisco, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, c2000 Testo Monografico Astronomical Society of the Pacific The central kiloparsec of starbursts and AGN - the La Palma connection ; proceedings of a conference held in Los Cancajos, La Palma, Spain, 7-11 May 2001 / edited by J.H. Knapen (ed altri) San Francisco - Astronomical Society of the Pacific, c2001 Testo Monografico Astronomical Society of the Pacific Cosmic evolution and galaxy formation - structure, interactions, and feedback, the 3rd Guillermo Haro Astrophysics conference ; proceedings of a meeting held in Puebla, Mexico, 15-19 November, 1999 / edited by José Franco, Elena Terlevich, Omar Lopez-Cruz and Itziar Aretxaga San Francisco - Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2000 Testo Monografico Astronomical Society of the Pacific Debris disks and the formation of planets - a symposium in memory of Fred Gillett ; proceedings of a meeting held in University Park Marriott, Tucson, Arizona, USA, hosted by national optical astronomy observatories (NOAO), 11-13 april 2002 / edited by Larry Caroff, L. Juleen Moon, Dana Backman and Elizabeth Praton San Francisco - Astronomical Society of the Pacific, c2004 Testo Monografico Astronomical Society of the Pacific Delta scuti and related stars - reference handbook and proceedings of the 6th Vienna Workshop in Astrophysics ; a workshop held in Vienna, Austria, 4-7 August 1999 / edited by Michel Breger and Michael Houston Montgomery San Francisco - Astronomical Society of the Pacific, c2000 Testo Monografico Astronomical Society of the Pacific The dynamics, structure and history of galaxies - a workshop in honour of prof. Ken Freeman ; proceedings of a meeting held at Dunk Island Resort, Dunk Island, Queensland, Australia, 30 July - 2 August, 2001 / edited by G.S. Da Costa and H. Jerjen San Francisco - Astronomical Society of the Pacific, c2002 Testo Monografico Astronomical Society of the Pacific Eta Carinae and other mysterious stars ; the hidden opportunities of emission-line spectroscopy / edited by Theodore R. Gull, Sveneric Johansson, and Kris Davidson San Francisco - Astronomical Society of the Pacific, c2001 Testo Monografico |