(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Astronomia |
Pagina nr. 716 di 1067 |
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Astronomy - activities and experiments / Linda J. Kelsey, Darrel B. Hoff, John S. Neff Dubuque - Kendall/Hunt, c1983 Testo Monografico Kelsey, Linda J. Laboratory exercises for general astronomy / by Linda Kelsey, Darrel Hoff, John Neff ; illustrated by Larry Kelsey Iowa City - Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa, c1971 Testo Monografico Kemp, David Alasdair Astronomy and astrophysics - a bibliographical guide / foreword by H. A. Brück London - MacDonald ; Hamden - Archon Books, 1970 Testo Monografico Kennedy, Edward Shirley Astronomy and astrology in the Medieval Islamic world / Edward S. Kennedy Aldershot etc. - Ashgate-Variorum, c1998 Testo Monografico Kennedy, John A complete system of astronomical chronology / John Kennedy Naples, Fl. - NewsBank Readex Testo Monografico Kennedy, John (rector di Derby) A new method of stating and explaining the Scripture chronology, upon mosaic astronomical principles, mediums and data, as laid down in the Pentateuch. By John Kennedy, rector of Bradley in the County of Derby London - printed for the author, 1752 Testo Monografico Kenney, Louis A. Catalogue of the rare astronomical books in the San Diego State University Library / by Louis A. Kenney ; introduction by Owen Gingerich San Diego - Friends of the Malcolm A. Love Library, San Diego University, 1988 Testo Monografico Kennicutt, R. C. Galaxies- interactions and induced star formation - lecture notes 1996 Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy / R.C. Kennicutt, Jr. F. Schweizer, J.E. Barnes ; edited by D. Friedli, L. Martinet, and D. Pfenniger Berlin - Springer, c1998 Testo Monografico Kepler, Johannes Ad Vitellionem paralipomena, quibus astronomiae pars optica traditur; potissimům de artificiosa obseruatione et aestimatione diametrorum deliquiorumque solis & lunae. Cum exemplis insignium eclipsium. Habes hoc libro, lector, inter alia multa noua, tractatum luculentum de modo visionis& humorum oculi vsu, contra opticos & anatomicos, authore Ioanne Keplero .. Francofurti - Apud Claudium Marnium & haeredes Ioannis Aubrii, 1604 Testo Monografico Kepler, Johannes Ad Vitellionem paralipomena, quibus astronomiae pars optica traditur; potissimům de artificiosa obseruatione et aestimatione diametrorum deliquiorumque solis & lunae... / authore Ioanne Keplero Bruxelles - Culture et Civilisation, 1968 Testo Monografico Kepler, Johannes Admonitio ad astronomos, rerumque coelestium studiosos / Johannes Kepler Naples, Fl. - NewsBank Readex Testo Monografico Kepler, Johannes Joannis Keppleri ... Admonitio ad astronomos, rerumque coelestium studiosos, de raris mirisque anni 1631 phaenomenis, Veneris puta et Mercurii in Solem incursu- excerpta ex ephemeride anni 1631. & certo authoris consilio huic praemissa, iterumque edita a Jacobo Bartschio .. Francofurti - apud Godefridum Tampachium, 1630 Testo Monografico Kepler, Johannes L' armonia del mondo / Giovanni Keplero ; a cura di Cosimo Scarcella Tirrenia (Pisa) - Edizioni del Cerro, 1994 Testo Monografico Kepler, Johannes Astronomi opera omnia / Joannis Kepleri ; edidit Ch. Frisch Frankofurti et Erlange - Heyder & Zimmer Testo Monografico Kepler, Johannes 3- Astronomia nova / Johannes Kepler ; herausgegeben von Max Caspar Munchen - C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1937 Incluso in > Gesammelte Werke / Johannes Kepler ; herausgegeben im Auftrag der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft und der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften ; unter der Leitung von Walther von Dyck und Max Cas... Testo Monografico |