Pagina nr. 1370 di 1401 |
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Krútnava - opera v 6 obrazoch / Eugen Suchon ; libreto podla novely Mila Urbana- "Za vyšným mylnom" spracovali skladatel a Štefan Hoza ; Deutsch nach Rudolf Macudzinski - Siegmund Wittig von Horst Richter ; klavírny výtah upravil skladatel Praha ; Bratislava - Štátne Hudobné Vydavatelstvo, 1961 Musica (stampa) Suerbaum, Werner Vom Antiken zum frühmittelalterlichen Staatsbergriff - Über Verwendung und Bedeutung von Cicero bis Jordanis Münster, i. W. - Aschendorff, 1961 Testo Monografico Suetonius Tranquillus, Gaius Vie de Virgile par Donat-Suetone / J. J. van Dooren ; preface d'Albert Grisart Bruxelles - Editions Arscia, 1961 Testo Monografico Sullivan, Francis A. De ecclesia - tractatus apologetici - / Franciscus A. Sullivan Romae - Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana, 1961 Testo Monografico Surian, Gianni Una bisaccia per scendere a valle - poesie Padova - Rebellato ed., 1961 Testo Monografico Sven, Viktor Bundt na korable / Viktor Sven Mjunhen - Tovarišcestvo zarubežnyh pisatelej, 1961 Testo Monografico Svezia - Utrikesdepartementet Documents on Swedish foreign policy Stockholm - Norstedts Trykeri, 1957- . Testo Monografico Svizzera Feuille federale Belp (Ch) - Jordi Pubblicazione Periodica Sweeney, James Johnson Antoni Gaudi / James Johnson Sweeney e Josep Lluis Sert Milano - Il Saggiatore, 1961 Testo Monografico Swieten, Gerhard - van Gerardi B. De Van Swieten ... Commentaria in omnes aphorismos Hermanni Boerhaave de cognoscendis, et curandis morbis Venetiis - Typis Jo. Baptistć Pasquali, 1761-1772 Testo Monografico Sylvester (papa ; 2.) The Letters of Gerbert with his papal privileges as Sylvester 2. / Transl., with an introd. by Harriet Pratt Lattin New York - Columbia University Press, 1961 Testo Monografico Symposium (on) fuel element fabrication (1960 ; Vienna, Austria) Fuel element fabrication with special emphasis on cladding materials - proceedings of a symposium held in Vienna, May 10-13, 1960 London ; New York - published for the International Atomic Energy Agency (by) Academic Press, ©1961 Testo Monografico Symposium Aristotelicum (1960 ; Lovanio) Aristote et les problčmes de méthode - Communications présentées au Symposium Aristotelicum tenu ŕ Louvain du 24 aoűt au 1 septembre 1960 Louvain - Publications universitaires ; Paris - B. Nauwelaerts, 1961 Testo Monografico Symposium on nuclear ship propulsion with special reference to nuclear safety (1960 ; Taormina) Nuclear ship propulsion / proceedings of the Symposium ... sponsored by the International Atomic Energy Agency in co-operation with the inter-governmental maritime consultative Organization and held at Taormina, Italy, 14-18 November 1960 Vienna - International Atomic Energy Agency, 1961 Testo Monografico Symposium on Salinity Problems in the arid Zones (1958 ; Teheran) Salinity problems in the arid zones - Proceedings of the Theran Symposium Paris - Unesco, 1961 Testo Monografico |