Pagina nr. 1339 di 1492 |
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Radioisotope applications in industry - a survey of radioisotope applications classified references to the international literature Vienna - I.A.E.A., 1963 Testo Monografico International atomic energy agency Radioisotopes and ionizing radiations in entomology Vienna - International Atomic Energy Agency, 1963 Testo Monografico International atomic energy agency Vienna - Evacuation de déchets radioactifs en eau douce / Rapport d'un groupe spécial d'experts Vienne - A.I.E.A., 1963 Testo Monografico International commission on radiological protection Inchiesta sui metodi di valutazione dell'esposizione dell'uomo alle radiazioni ionizzanti usate per scopi medici con speciale riferimento alle malattie provocate dalle radiazioni / rapporto della Commissione internazionale per le protezioni radiologiche e della Commissione internazionale per le unita e le misure radiologiche Roma - CNEN, 1963 Testo Monografico International computation centre ICC bulletin Rome - International computation centre, 1962- Pubblicazione Periodica International Conference on Cataloguing Principles (1961 ; Parigi) International Conference on cataloguing principles. Paris, 9 october, 1961 - Report / Ed. by A. H. Chaplin and Dorothy Anderson London - Intern. Federation of Library Associations, 1963 Testo Monografico International Conference on Paramagnetic Resonance (1. ; 1962 ; Gerusalemme) Paramagnetic resonance - proceedings of the First International Conference held in Jerusalem, July 16-20, 1962 / edited by W. Law New York ; London - Academic Press, Testo Monografico International Congress of Classical Studies (2. ; 1954 ; Copenhagen) Acta Congressus Madvigiani, Hafniae 1954 - Proceedings of the 2. International Congress of Classical Studies - ?Copenhagen August 23-28, 1954, 150. anniversary of the birth of J. N. Madvig? Copenhagen - Munksgaard, 1958- Testo Monografico International congress of historians of the United States and Mexico (2. ; 1958 ; Austin) The New World looks at its history - Proceedings / Ed. by Archibald R. Lewis and Thomas F. Mc Gann Austin - University of Texas Press, 1963 Testo Monografico International federation of library associations and institutions Les bibliothèques dans le monde - Programme à long terme pour la Fédération internationale des associations de bibliothècaires La Haye - N hoff, 1963 Testo Monografico International federation of library associations and institutions International Conference on cataloguing principles. Paris, 9.-18. October 1961 - Report / International Federation of Library Associations London - Organizing Committee of the International Conference on cataloguing principles, 1963 Testo Monografico International federation of translators Quality in translation - Proceedings of the 3. Congress of the International Federation of Translators (FIT), Bad Godesberg, 1959 / Ed. by E. Cary, R.W. Jumplet Oxford ... (etc.) - Pergamon Press, 1963 Testo Monografico International Research Associates (New York) Access to public libraries - Aresearch project prepared for the Library Administration Division, American Library Association / by International Research Associates Chicago - A.L.A., 1963 Testo Monografico International scientific radio union Monograph on radio waves and circuits - 13. general assembly of URSI, London 1960 / edited by Samuel Silver Amsterdam etc. - Elsevier Publishing Co., 1963 Testo Monografico International social security association Evolution et tendances de la sécurité sociale / Association internationale de la securité sociale Genève - A.I.S.S., 1959- Testo Monografico |