Pagina nr. 1026 di 1848 |
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Zurich - s.n. , 1935- Pubblicazione Periodica Who's who in France - Dictionnaire biographique des principales personnalités de France, des départements et territoires français d'outre-mer, des Etats africains d'expression française, de la République Malgache, des français notables vivant à l'étranger et des étrangers notables résidant en France - paraissant tous les deux ans depuis 1953 Paris - Lafitte, 1957- . Testo Monografico Who's who in Italian economic life, 1967 Milano - Nuovo Mercurio, c1967 Testo Monografico Who's who in Latin America Stanford (California) - Stanford University Press, 1935- Pubblicazione Periodica Who's who in the USSR Montreal - Intercontinental book Pubblicazione Periodica Whos who in America - a biographical dictionary of notable living men and women Chicago - Marquis Pubblicazione Periodica Who's who in Italy - a biographical dictionary containing about 7000 biographies of prominent people in and of Italy and 1400 organizations Milano etc. - Intercontinental book & publishing, 1958- Pubblicazione Periodica Wie funkzioniert das - The universal encyclopedia of machines or how things work - The theory and practice of modern machines and methods, from the ball-point per to the jet engine, from the polaroid camera to radar ... / ?Transl. and adapted from the revised ed. by C. van Amerongen? London - Allen & Unwin, 1967 Testo Monografico Das Wiener Fragment der Lorscher Annalen, Christus und die Samariterin, Katechese des Niceta von Remesiana - Codex Vindobonensis 515 der Österreichiachen Nationalbibliothek / Einführung und Transkription Franz Unterkircher Graz - Akademische Druck-u. Verlagsanstalt, 1967 Testo Monografico Wiener klinische Wochenschrift 1(1888)- Pubblicazione Periodica Wiener Schachzeitung - organ des Wiener Schach Club Wien - s. n. , 1898- Pubblicazione Periodica Wiener Studien - Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie Wien - Gerold, 1879- Pubblicazione Periodica William Faulkner - premio Nobel per la letteratura 1949 Milano - Fabbri, (1967) Testo Monografico Willing's european press guide London - Hutchinson Willing, 1966- Pubblicazione Periodica Willing's press guide - a guide to the press of the United Kingdom and to the principal publications of Europe, the Americas, Australasia, the Far East, Africa and Middle East London - Willing Service Pubblicazione Periodica |