Bibliografia Cormundus
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1970

Pagina nr. 1816 di 1871       

Solženicyn, Aleksandr Isaevic
V kruge pervom / A. Solž enicyn
Frankfurt/Main - Posev, °196.
Testo Monografico

Solženicyn, Aleksandr Isaevic
4- V kruge pervom - roman / Aleksandr Solzenicyn
Frankfurt/M. - Posev, 1970
Incluso in > Sobranie socinenij - v sesti tomah / Aleksandr Solzenicyn
Testo Monografico

Somogyi, Arpad
Kunstdenkmäler der griechischen Diasporen in Ungarn
Thessaloniki - Institute for Balkan Studies, 1970
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Sorci, Carlo
L' obsolescenza in economia aziendale / Carlo Sorci
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s. n. , stampa 1991 (Palermo - STASS)
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Sordi, Italo
Che cosa ha veramente detto Maometto / I. Sordi
Roma - Ubaldini, (1970)
Testo Monografico

Soria, Regina
Elihu Vedder - American visionary artist in Rome (1836-1923) / Regina Soria
Rutheford ; Madison ; Teaneck - Fairleigh Dickinson University press, 1970
Testo Monografico

Sotheby & Co. (Londra)
Catalogue of 19. Century and modern first editions presentation copies, autograph letters and literary manuscripts... - which will be sold by auction by Sotheby and Co. - day of sale- Monday, 6. July, 1970-Tuesday, 7. July, 1970
London - Sotheby and Co., 1970
Testo Monografico

Sotheby & Co. (Londra)
Catalogue of 19. Century and modern first editions, presentation copies, autograph letters and literary manuscripts... - Day of sale- Monday 14. dec.-Tuesday 15. dec., 1970...
London - Sotheby and Co., 1970
Testo Monografico

Sotheby & Co. (Londra)
Catalogue of a collection of Victorian fiction mainly three-deckers and autograph letters ... - Days of sale- Monday, 12. October, 1970-Tuesday, 13. October, 1970
London - Stockwell, 1970
Testo Monografico

Sotheby & Co. (Londra)
Catalogue of fine modern French and German illustrated books and bindings, important periodicals and works of reference... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby & Co.... - Day of sale- Monday, 13. April 1970
London - Sotheby & Co., 1970
Testo Monografico

Sotheby & Co. (Londra)
6- Catalogue of French, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, Yugoslav and Slavonic manuscripts ... 6. part... Which be sold by auction by Sotheby and Co... Days of sale- Monday, 15. june, 1970, Tuesday, 16. june, 1970
London - Sotheby & Co., 1970
Incluso in > Bibliotheca Phillippica - catalogue of the celebrated collection of manuscripts formed by Thomas Phillipps, Bt. (1792-1872) - new series
Testo Monografico

Sotheby & Co. (Londra)
Catalogue of highly important modern French illustrated books and bindings forming part 5. of the celebrated library of the Late Major J.R. Abbey ... which will be sold by auction by Sotheby & Co. - day of sale- Tuesday, 2. June, 1970 - illustrated catalogue
London - Sotheby and Co., 1970
Testo Monografico

Sotheby & Co. (Londra)
Catalogue of important eighteenth and nineteenth century pictures, including John Eardley Wilmot, 1812, by Benjamin West ... - Wednesday, 18 November, 1970 / Sotheby & Co
London - Sotheby & Co., ©1970
Testo Monografico

Sotheby & Co. (Londra)
Catalogue of important Western manuscripts and miniatures - which will be sold by auction by Sotheby & Co. ... Day of sale- Wednesday, 8. July 1970
London - Sotheby & Co., 1970
Testo Monografico

Sotheby & Co. (Londra)
Catalogue of Indian miniature... - which will be sold by auction by Sotheby & Co... Day of sale- Monday, 20. april, 1970
London - Sotheby & Co., 1970
Testo Monografico