Pagina nr. 1798 di 1844 |
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Symposia mathematica London ; New York - Academic Press, 1969- . Testo Monografico Symposium de politique scientifique (1970 ; Parigi) Les aspects internationaux de l'innovation technologique - actes du symposium de politique scientifique, Paris, France, 7-9 septembre 1970 Paris - Unesco, 1972 Testo Monografico Symposium on assessment of radioactive organ and body burdens (1971 ; Stoccolma) Assessment of radioactive contamination in man - proceedings of a symposium on assessment of radioactive organ and body burdens organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the World Health Organization and held in Stockholm, 22-26 november 1971 Vienna - International Atomic Energy Agency, 1972 Testo Monografico Symposium on dental materials research (1969 ; Gaithersburg) Dental materials research - proceedings of the 50. Anniversary Symposium held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburgh October 6-8, 1969 ... / George Dickson and James M. Cassel ; sponsored by the National Nureau of Standards and The American Dental Association Washington - National Bureau of Standards, 1972 Testo Monografico Symposium on Isotope Ratios as Pollutant source and behaviour indicators (1974 ; Vienna) Isotope ratios as pollutant source and behaviour indicators - proceedings of a symposium on isotope ratios as pollutant suorce and behaviour indicators / jpintly organised by International Atomic Energy Agency and the Food and Agricolture Organization of the United Nations and held in Vienna, 18-22 November 1974 Vienna - IAEA, 1975 Testo Monografico Symposium on the Interaction of radioactive contaminants with the constituents of the marine environment (1972 ; Seattle) Radioactive contamination of the marine environment - proceedings of a symposium on The interaction of radioactive contaminants with the constituents of the ma rine environment held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Seattle, United States of America, 10-14 July 1972 Vienna - International Atomic Energy Agency, 1973 Testo Monografico Symposium on the use of isotopes and radiation in research on soil-plant relationships including applications in forestry (1971 ; Vienna) Isotopes and radiation in soil-plant relationships including forestry - proceedings of the Symposium on the use of isotopes and radiation in research on soil-plant relationships including applications in forestry, jointly organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Food and Agricolture Organization of the United Nations and held in Vienna, 13-17 December 1971 Vienna - IAEA, 1972 Testo Monografico Symposium on the use of isotopes in studies on the physiology of domestic animals (1972 ; Atene) Isotope studies on the physiology of domestic animals - proceedings of a symposium on the use of isotopes in studies on the physiology of domestic animals, jointly organized by the International atomic energy agency and the Food and agriculture organization of the United nations, and held in Athens, 20-24 March 1972 Vienna - International atomic energy agency, 1972 Testo Monografico Szemler, George John The priests of the Roman Republic - a study of interactions between priesthood and magistracies / G. J. Szemler Bruxelles - Latomus, 1972 Testo Monografico Szladits, Charles A bibliography on foreign and comparative law - books an articles in English / Charles Szladits New York - Parker school of foreign and comparative law ; Columbia university, 1955- Testo Monografico Szladits, Charles A bibliography on foreign and comparative law - supplement 1969 / compiled and annotated by Charles Szladits New York - Oceana Publ., 1972 Incluso in > Parker school studies in foreign and comparative law . Testo Monografico Szlezák, Thomas A. Pseudo-Archytas über die Kategorien - texte zur griechischen Aristoteles-Exegese / herausgegeben, übersetzt und kommentiert von Thomas Alexander Szlezák Berlin ; New York - W. de Gruyter, 1972 Testo Monografico Szmosdiné Eszláry, Éva Ghiberti / Szmosdiné Eszláry Éva Budapest - Corvina, 1972 Testo Monografico Szondi, Peter Teoria del dramma moderno, 1880-1950 / Peter Szondi ; introduzione di Cesare Cases Torino - G. Einaudi, stampa 1972 Testo Monografico Szydlowski, Roman Le theatre en Pologne / traducteur- Genevieve Daude-Leider? Varsovie - Interpress, 1972 Testo Monografico |