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2- Faculty lectures from 7th International symposium the pain clinic - Istambul, Turkey, 2-6 October, 1996 / editors- Prithvi Raj, Serdar Erdine, David Niv Bologna - Monduzzi International proceedings division, ©1996, stampa 1998 Incluso in > Management of pain a world perspective 2 Testo Monografico International symposium the pain clinic (7. ; 1996 ; Istanbul) 1- From selected free papers and poster presentations from 7th International symposium the pain clinic - Instanbul, Turkey, 2-6 October, 1996 / editors Prithvi Raj, Serdar Erdine, David Niv Bologna - Monduzzi, International proceedings division, 1996 Incluso in > Management of pain a world perspective 2 Testo Monografico International union of pure and applied chemistry International IUPAC symposium on mycotoxins and phycotoxins - Rome, 27-31 May 1996 / organised by Istituto superiore di sanità ; edited by M. Miraglia, C. Brera, R. Onori ; in collaboration with Food and agricolture organization of the United Nations Rome - Istituto superiore di sanità, stampa 1996 Testo Monografico International workshop on ADC modelling (1996 ; Smolenice Caste) International Workshop on Adc modelling - proceedings - May 7-9, 1996 House of scientists, Smolenice Castle, Slovak Republic / edited by Pasquale Daponte, Linus Michaeli Budapest - IMEKO, ©1996 (Salerno - CUES) Testo Monografico International workshop on Drinking water systems characterized by different design management and monitoring of quality of supplied waters (1996; Torino) International Workshop on Drinking water system, characterized by different sources- design, management and monitoring of quality supplied waters - Torino, Italy, September 18, 1996 - preceedings Torino - Centro congressi Torino incontra, stampa 1996 Testo Monografico International workshop on medieval societies (6. ; 1992 ; Erice) L' image - fonctions et usages des images dans l'Occident médiéval - actes du 6e International workshop on medieval societies - Centre Ettore Majorana, Erice, Sicile, 17-23 octobre 1992 / sous la direction de Jérôme Baschet et Jean-Claude Schmitt Paris - Le léopard d'or, 1996 Testo Monografico International Workshop on vascular anomalies (11. ; 1996 ; Roma) Proceedings of the 11. International Workshop on vascular anomalies - Rome, June 23rd-26th, 1996 / editors Ivano P. Renzi, Francesco Stillo Roma - L. Pozzi, 1996 Testo Monografico Internationale Schelling-Gesellschaft Schellings Weg zur Freiheitsschrift Legende und Wirklichkeit - Akten der Fachtagung der Internationalen Schelling-Gesellschaft 1992 / Hans Michael Baumgartner und Wilhelm G. Jacobs (Hrsg.) Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt - Frommann-Holzboog, ©1996 Testo Monografico Internationalen Kongress für christliche Archäologie (12 ; 1991 ; Bonn) Akten des 12. Internationalen Kongresses für christliche Archäologie - Bonn, 22.-28. September 1991 Münster - Aschendorff ; Città del Vaticano - Pontificio Istituto di archeologia cristiana, 1995-1997 Testo Monografico Internationales Kolloquium zur lateinischen Linguistik (8. ; 1995 ; Eichstätt Akten des 8. internationalen Kolloquiums zur lateinischen Linguistik / herausgegeben von Alfred Bammesberger, Friedrich Heberlein Heidelberg - C. Winter, ©1996 Testo Monografico Internationales symposion zu Ehren von Herbert Hunger (1994 ; Wien) Geschichte und Kultur der Palaiologenzeit - Referate des Internationalen Symposions zu Ehren von Herbert Hunger - Wien, 30. November bis 3. Dezember 1994 / herausgegeben von Werner Seibt Testo Monografico Internazionale (1.) La Première Internationale / recueil de documents publié sous la dir. de Jacques Freymond Genève - Institut Universitaire de Hautes Études Internationales, 1962- . Testo Monografico Internazionale Situazionista - Sezione italiana Internazionale situazionista - rivista della Sezione italiana dell' I.S Milano - (s. n.), 1969- Pubblicazione Periodica Intini, Alberto La identificazione di persone - lettura di documenti, controllo di autenticita, procedure / Alberto Intini Roma - Laurus Robuffo, 1996 Testo Monografico Intini, Alberto Investigazione di polizia giudiziaria - suggerimenti operativi / Alberto Intini, Angelo R. Casto, Domenico A. Scali Roma - Laurus Robuffo, 1996 Testo Monografico |