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Argomento: Economia

Pagina nr. 3419 di 5950       

3- Latin America
Geneva - ILO, 1986
Incluso in > Economically active population - estimates and projections - 1950-2025
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3- Latin America
Aldershot (etc.) - Avebury, ©1993
Incluso in > Technological transformation in the Third World / general editor Surendra J. Patel ; a project of the World Institute for development economics research (UNU/WIDER) and the Institute for new technolo...
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4- Latin America / edited by Victor L. Urquidi and Saul Trejo Reyes
London etc. - MacMillan, 1983
Incluso in > Human resources, employment and development - proceedings of the 6. world congress of the International Economic Association, held in Mexico City, 1980
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Latin America - a guide to economic history 1830-1930 / Roberto Cortes Conde & and Stanley J. Stein editors ; Jirina Rybacek-Mlynkova, editorial assistant
Berkeley (etc.) - University of California Press, 1977
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Latin America - a weekly political and economic report
London - Latin American newsletters ltd
Pubblicazione Periodica

Latin America - economy and society since 1930 / edited by Leslie Bethell
Cambridge etc. - Cambridge university press, 1998
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Latin America - international monetary system and external financing / Joint project UNDP/ECLC RLA/77/021
Santiago - United Nations development programme ; Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, 1986
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Latin America - politics, economics, and hemispheric security / edited by Norman A. Bailey
New York (etc.) - Praeger, 1965
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Latin America - problems and perspectives of economic development, 1963-1964 / This survey was prepared in the Department of economic affairs of the Pan American Union
Baltimore - Johns Hopkins press, c1966
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Latin America - reform or revolution A reader / edited by James Petras and Maurice Zeitlin
Greenweech, CONN - Fawcett publications, 1968
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Latin America and the Caribbean - options to reduce the debt burden / Economic commission for Latin America and The Caribbean
Santiago - United Nations, Economic commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, 1990
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Latin America and the Caribbean - policies to improve linkages with the global economy
Santiago, Chile - United Nations, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, 1995
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Latin America and the European experience / European League for Economic Co-operation
Bruxelles - The League, 1963
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Latin America and the global economy - export trade and the threat of protection / edited by Ronald Fischer
Basingstoke ; New York - Palgrave, 2001
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Latin America and the new international economic order / edited by Jorge Lozoya, Jaime Estevez
New York etc. - published for UNITAR and the Center for economic and social studies of the third world (CEESTEM) by Pergamon, c1980
Testo Monografico