Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Titolo (senza autore))
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 6012 di 6380       

Treatment and care for older drug users / European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug addiction
Luxembourg - Publications office of the European Union, 2010
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Treatment demand indicator (TDI) standard protocol 3.0 - guidelines for reporting data on people entering drug treatment in european countries / European monitoring centre for drugs and drug addiction
Luxembourg - Publications office of the European Union, 2012
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The treatment of the Holocaust in textbooks - the Federal Republic of Germany, Israel, The United States of America / edited by Randolph L. Braham
Boulder - Social science monographs ; (New York) - Institute for Holocaust studies of the City University of New York ; New York - distributed by Columbia University press, 1987
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Treaty concerning the Accession of the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland, the Kingdom of Norway and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the European economic community and the European atomic energy community (with final act) and Decision of the Council of the European communities concerning the accession of the said states to the European coal and steel community - Brussels, 22 January 1972 / presented to Parliament by Secretary of state for foreign and commonwealth affairs by command of her Majesty January 1972
London - Her Majestys stationery office, 1972?
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Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) and connected documents
Brussels, Committee for the Common Market and Euratom, 1957
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Treaty establishing the European economic community - Rome, 25 March 1957 / presented to Parliament by the Secretary of state for foreign and commonwealth affairs by command of her Majesty January 1972
London - Her Majestys stationery office, 1972?
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Treaty establishing the European Economic Community and connected documents
Brussels - Secretariat of the Interim Committee for the Common Market and Euratom, (1957?)
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Treaty establishing the European Economic Community and connected documents
Brussel - Publishing services of the european Communities, 1962
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Treaty making- expression of consent by states to be bound by a treaty / edited by Council of Europe and British Institute of International and Comparative Law
The Hague (etc.) - Kluwer Law International, c2001
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The treaty of Amsterdam - text and commentary / edited by Andrew Duff
London - Federal trust - Sweet & Maxwell distributor , 1997
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The Treaty of Lisbon and the future of European law and policy / edited by Martin Trybus, Luca Rubini
Cheltenham (etc.) - Elgar, 2012
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The Treaty of Lisbon in perspective - the european reform Treaty- consolidated Treaty on European Union and the consolidated treaty on the functioning of the European Union - the full text with all protocols and declarations as signed in Lisbon on 13 december 2007... / (edited by Anthony Cowgill and Andrew Cowgill)
Stroud (GB) - British Management Data Foundation, c2008
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The Treaty of Nice and beyond - enlargement and constitutional reform / edited by Mads Andenas and John A. Usher
Oxford ; Portland - Hart publishing, 2003
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The Treaty on European Union (TEU) - a commentary / editors Hermann-Josef Blanke, Stelio Mangiameli
Berlin (etc.) - Springer, 2013
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The Treaty on European Union (TEU) - a commentary / Hermann-Josef Blanke, Stelio Mangiameli (editors)
Berlin - Springer, 2013
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