Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Titolo (senza autore))
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 6015 di 6380       

Trends in European and American linguistics, 1930-1960 / edited on the occasion of the Ninth international congress of linguists, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 27 August-1 September 1962, for the Permanent international committee of linguistsby Christine Mohrmann, Alf Sommerfelt and Joshua Whatmough
Utrecht ; Antwerp - Spectrum, 1961
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Trends in european forest tree physiology research - cost action E6 - Eurosilva / edited by Satu Huttunen ... ed altri
Dordrecht etc. - Kluwer, c2001
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Trends in European social policy - essays in memory of Malcolm Mead / edited by Jeff Kenner
Aldershot etc. - Dartmouth, ©1995
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Trends in European Tourism Planning and Organisation / edited by Carlos Costa, Emese Panyk and Dimitrios Buhalis
Bristol - Channel View, 2013
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Trends in Indian studies - proceedings of the ESIS / Jaroslav Vacek, Jan Dvorak editors
Prague - Karolinum - Charles University Press, 1998
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Trends in information processing systems - 3rd conference of the European Cooperation in Informatics, Munich, October 20-22, 1981 - proceedings / edited by A.J.W. Duijvestijn and P.C. Lockemann
Berlin - Springer-Verlag, 1981
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Trends in injecting drug use in Europe / European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
Luxembourg - Publications Office of the European Union, 2010
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Trends in nuclear research institutes / Nuclear energy agency, Organisation for economic co-operation and development
Paris - OECD, 1996
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Trends in physics - 9th General conference of the European physical society, Florence, September 14-17, 1993 / edited by A. Bertin, R. A. Ricci, A. Vitale
Bologna - Societa italiana di fisica, 1994
Incluso in > Il Nuovo cimento della Societa italiana di fisica. Vol. A
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Trends in the European securities industry / edited by Valter Lazzari
Milano - Egea, 2011
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Trends in the nuclear fuel cycle - economic, environmental and social aspects / Nuclear energy agency
Paris - OECD; Organisation for economicco-operation and development, c2001
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Trends in the transport sector - 1970-2004 / European conference of Ministers of transport
Paris - OECD, c2006.
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Trends in the transport sector - 1970-2008 / European conference of Ministersof transport
Paris - OECD publications, stampa 2010
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Trends towards sustainability in the nuclear fuel cycle / Organization for economic co-operation and development ; Nuclear energy agency
Paris - OECD, c2011
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Treni delle Alpi - sulle ferrovie di valico pił belle d'Europa nei variopinti anni '90
Incluso in > Tutto treno. Tema - supplemento a Tutto treno
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