Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 29 di 8793       

Adams, Brian
The Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition in Central Europe - the record from the Bükk Mountain region / Brian Adams
Oxford - BAR, 1998
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Adams, George Burton
Civilization during the middle ages - especially in relation to modern civilization / by George Burton Adams
New York - Charles Scribner's Sons, 1912
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Adams, Herbert Mayow
Catalogue of books printed on the continent of Europe, 1501-1600 in Cambridge libraries / compiled by H. M. Adams
Cambridge - University Press, 1967
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Adams, Herbert Mayow
Catalogue of books printed on the continent of Europe, 1501-1600 in Cambridge libraries / compiled by H.M. Adams
Cambridge - University Press, 1987
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Adams, Herbert Mayow
Catalogue of books printed on the continent of Europe, 1501-1600 in Cambridge libraries / compyled by H. M. Adams
Cambridge - Cambridge University press, 1990
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Adams, Jonathan
A maritime archaeology of ships - innovation and social change in medieval and early modern Europe / Jonathan Adams
Oxford ; Oakville - Oxbow Books, 2013
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Adams, Julia
The familial state - ruling families and merchant capitalism in early modern Europe / Julia Adams
Ithaca ; London - Cornell University Press, 2005
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Adams, Percy G.
Travelers and travel liars - 1660-1800 / by Percy G. Adams
Berkeley ; Los Angeles - University of California Press, 1962
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Adams, W. G. S.
The responsibility for the war / by W.G.S. Adams
London etc. - Oxford University Press - H. Milford, 1914?
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Adams, Walter
Adam Smith goes to Moscow - a dialogue on radical reform / Walter Adams and James W. Brock
Princeton - Princeton university press, c1993
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Adams, Willi Paul
Directory of european historians of North America - addresses, publications, research in progress / compiled and edited by Willi Paul Adams and Wolfang J. Helbic
Berlin - John F. Kennedy Institut fur Nordamerikastudien (Freie Universitat), 1987
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Adams, William James
Redditivita e sviluppo delle grandi imprese europee e nordamericane
Bologna - Il Mulino, 1977 (Imola - Galeati)
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Adamson, Melitta Weiss
Regional cuisines of medieval Europe - a book of essays / edited by Melitta Weiss Adamson
New York ; London - Routledge, 2002
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Adamson, Seabron
Energy use, air pollution and environmental policy in Krakow - can economic incentives really help? / Seabron Adamson ... ed altri
Washington D.C.- World Bank, 1996
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Adamson, Walter L.
Embattled avant-gardes - modernism's resistance to commodity culture in Europe / Walter L. Adamson
Berkley ; Los Angeles ; London - University of California Press, 2007
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